Can't see any competitive LFG groups - PC

Same issue on PS4. All filters seem to be working except game mode > competitive. No groups show up at all, including the one I tried to create. I don’t understand how people aren’t freaking out about this. I literally only play comp if I can LFG 6-stack so this big pretty much renders comp unplayable for me.

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I did submit a ticket for this already but I am aware of a bunch of folks (through asking in solo queue) are dealing with this currently myself included.


P.S. Last update on 19 Jul 2019 didn’t correct the current LFG issue.

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Hey there we have a fix in testing for this issue. We don’t have a release time for this fix to be live, we’re targeting an upcoming 1.38 bug fix patch but it may also go into the 1.39 release.


do it fast, a lot of people are angry, they are looking into other games


Thanks for the update Bill. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2:

It’s still broken, I buried my headset in the trash 4 days ago, but like a demented dog after a long working week, I wanted to have some fun. After reinstalling the game in excitement, I come to find the LFG is still broken. What is going on at blizzard hq?

They are working on a fix, it is not live yet.

You would think it would be fixed ASAP, not being in the next bug patch would be way unacceptable. Should already be done, should not have even went live. Not bothering to play right now as solo que is too random.


1.38 is the current version so it means ASAP :slight_smile:

Every since the patch I have had zero access to LFG, there is just simply nothing there. Although I am sure my problem is because Overwatch did some messing around with their server optimization for “tracking” purposes and now I am forced on the SA server now matter what I do giving me up to 300 ping constantly. The game has and always will be unplayable to me now after this patch until they fix this server routing issue. Gee whiz, really wish a developer would at least acknoledge there is a problem here as compared to simply saying “we think its a traffic jam with your ISP”. Its not my ISP dude, its your server routing, but what do I know, I only have been making 100k/year doing networking for the last 15 years, I am sure your right and I have no clue what I am talking about.

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Guys, current work around is you have to list your group as “Any” and not “Competitive” when you create or search for a group. Just list in the group name your SR and goal currently, then you just manually queue for Competitive instead of holding “X” to queue.


Hi Nicole, any progress on the fixes, when do you think the devs will release the update?

There are still no competitive groups in group search for almost a week. When can you finally fix it ?

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:cry::sob: tried solo que due to NO competitive groups in list…

1st game: Me healer and FIVE DPS. ALL game. Until, of course, someone quit on my team. Then 1 healer & 4 DPS. Do I need to tell you the obvious awful game that it was??

This was at 2450 level, so I’m not talking bronze/silver.

please & thanks Blizz. would like to play an actual “competitive” game again soon.


Im glad I’m not the only one with this problem… PS4

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Ok, so this is good, your giving us a timeline to start. So your saying if we lucky all will be well Monday? And if we not lucky then it could take what, maybe up to a month? Well that sucks, but thanks for letting us know, I do appreciate any info on when I can play the game again.

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This is also happening to me as well, however even if I reset the filter preferences, I am unable to find any LFG groups.

While not related, at least I hope not, after the summer games patch went live all the sudden my ping will spike upwards to 300ms and I continually lose frame rates from 70 -> 40, makes it very hard (near impossible) to play copa lucioball and regular comp matches.

I have the same problem. No competitive groups since the last update. It also reset my season in comp. I had to do placement matches over again. I lost everything for the current season. This sucks.

Any updates on this?

I still don’t see any group