Cant rank up no matter how much i win

I’ve been playing for awhile and I placed silver 5 and no matter how many wins I get whether or not I win 5 lose 2 or win 5 lose none I never rank up, which is weird because I play tank while my girlfriend plays sup and she is ranking up, she’s plat 4 right now where as I’m still silver 5. and its not a “she wins more than you” because we play every game together and never play alone. its not a “you do bad in the games you win” because every game I have upwards of 10-13k damage sometimes even 16k. so why is she ranking up but I am not?

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there’s a ranked rework next season. ranked isn’t worth playing. you do rank up if you win, but sometimes it’s only X% until you do rank out of it. at the bottom of the rank up screen, it’ll say “You are higher than X% of players in your rank” or something like that. that percentage is how far you are until ranking up. if you’re at 99%, if you dont rank down, you’ll definitely rank up

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I have the same problem on tank.
I have played over 50 games now and my rank haven’t changed and my win rate is now about 83%. Can’t wait for the soft reset.

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Rank placement and rank adjustments take into account more than just wins and losses, they are also affected by how far apart the ranks are between you and your opponent, how new your account is, and how long ago you last played. Newer players have much more drastic rank adjustments due to the lack of performance history to base initial skill and inactive players similarly have more drastic rank adjustments due to the lack of recent performance history. Both of these are potential explanations as to how players that are grouped and play the same matches can end up with different ranks. Feel free to read the updated Developer Blog explaining rank adjustments here: Competitive Play Update – Teaming up for better matches - News - Overwatch. However, if you believe that this truly is a bug, then please do check out the competitive bugs megathread linked at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.