Can't get Ana skin

I’ve completed the Cybernetic Ana skin event, but for whatever reason the third set of wins is showing up as a white bar, despite having 9/9 completed.

imgur dot com /OMbKrOP (sorry, can’t create links)


Same here. The white bar shows how much you’ve completed, mines the exact same as yours is.
What do you play on? PC? Console? Or Switch?

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I’m on PC.

My wife and I play together, and weirdly yesterday I was somehow 4 games closer to the skin than she was, despite not ever playing without her (she’s more likely to play without me, but even that didn’t happen). Then today, we played, she got her skin, and I didn’t. So I looked at my progress and that’s when I saw the weird white bar.

This is happening to me too. I have to do one additional game to get the skin even though it says 9/9.

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I’ve played since hitting that “white bar” limit but still no skin. Did you need to win the game or just complete one?

Your suggestion worked! I had a same issue. I also noticed how inconsistent is keeps track on how many games played that i had to play more rounds.

I tried retrograde’s advice on playing one more game and i got the skin. i guess the meter that tracks how many games played is inconsistent even after getting 27 games. I noticed how buggy/ inconsistent it keeps track on how many games i played that i had play more than 27 (including wins may not be counted, i only play on PC)

I had to play (and win) a few games before it kicked in, but I did finally get the skin just now as well.
