Cant connect to the servers

Everytime i try to log in it times out. it says lost connection to servers. my internet is fine. What could be the problem because i dont see a post about it?

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Me too, might be a maintenance thing…

i have a few friends in a competitive match right now though.

Same. One of my accounts is connecting but the other just times out at log in. Prob a maintenance thing ^

My gf can connect to the game but I can’t. We live together so the same internet. A lot of people are posting connectivity issues from what it looks like.

ATM I can’t login into the game with this account, but I can with another. I’m not banned, I haven’t received any note about, nothing, it just won’t connect.

So yeah, I presume is a big account issue Blizz servers are having right now. But there is no maintenance notice either, so what up? :confused:

Hey, all!

We are collecting information in this thread: Lost connection to the game server - #38 by Dub-1523