Can't add pharah AI?

So im trying to practice against pharah and i wanted to make a custom game where i can play as soldier, mcree, etc and fight ai pharahs to get better at shooting them, but i can’t add them
is there anyway to do this? Why is there only like 10 of the hero roster there for me to add?

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They only have some ai

You can find bot trainers on the workshop tho…


No clue
But you can add pharah in the workshop with a “dummy bot” option
Don’t know much though

You could use the code AJERA, there’s a pharah available in practice range

tl;dr - the heroes with AI are the ones that can coded to press W, and fire and use abilities when appropriate, and be effective. The other heroes are more complicated so they never got AI.

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But they are lazy and don’t port Sym and Mercy AI from Junkenstine’s revenge. Mercy just doesn’t fly.


I recommend this. You can google it and find a subreddit with codes for custom games for aim training!

Sym doesn’t use TP or turrets and Mercy does nothing but heal a target in Junkenstein. Nobody would be happy with those AIs in training.

It be better than having nothing at all.

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No, it’s not. That’s the whole reason it’s not ported over.

I’m the one who plays VS AI. I would have a half a hero working than less heroes. We already deal with the AI’s constantly getting stuck on pathing areas or falling though the map. Torb’s AI is the worst programed. He’ll ult when he’s about to die. He places his turret down. In the middle of a fight, in LOS. The AI mode is always ignored.

BTRZE - upgraded training ground that includes pharah bots
KAVE5 - multiple character arena mod - including pharah bots.


Dummy functions via workshop.

Look up Practice Range v2.2 by PMAJelly (I think that’s the name.)

I can fire up my Xbox to give you the workshop code if you’d like. Just reply to this post.


Practice Range including Pharah + Mercy Pocket

use DRAGON-AI bots:

It’s one of the many things they promised to do, and never did. Add more AI bots (not even all the launch day hero’s are available). Revamp the practice range and so on… Lots of promises, little action.