Can you really blame symmetra players?

having her main fire and secondary glitched for a while is quite the big issue???

anyway the armor nerf that was meant to go for zarya (and sym too since they hate her) affected symmetra the most. zarya is still the best dps- i mean offtank in the game right now. and much harder to kill than symmetra.

but i guess pros have some kind of attraction towards muscle women that never die because they kept getting pocketed by the ana

gdi i hope next patch nerfs both of those heroes, they only get allowed to be so unbalanced because people worship those 2

ever since zarya got that beam fix shes been insufferable.

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  • tp self destructing in various places because blizz didn’t come up with an actual solution to old shield gen being able to get out of the map and be indestrructible when places in closing door spots e.g. junkertown A end door
  • various places made not placeable for structures because they couldn’t make map hitboxes right
  • can be booped out of interacting with tp
  • indestructible turrets various times because again, blizz can’t make map hitboxes right
  • wall placement UI bugs out when you faceplant walls or if you aim into voids (e.g. into illios well)
  • wall randomly shifting placement to elsewhere
  • turret and tp chevrons sometimes not showing the right location

and quite a few more can be found in this video that haven’t been fixed (some have been fixed e.g. most of the “tping turrets out of map” ones, but a lot of others haven’t):


I don’t consider her niche being above D-Tier, and i don’t think anybody loves playing Taxi simulator. She is a really gimmicky hero right now when 90% of the hero roster has decent mobility and her Teleporter only shaving off maybe a second of travel time.

Most of the changes are just random, nerfs, or just underwhelming, the entirety of 3.0 version of Symmetra has been really low for any character, i don’t know any other character that gets worse treatment than her.

You see she has the lowest pickrate out of most characters (3rd worst pickrate, at 0.18%), has a really niche and gimmicky playstyle, is only used on ONE map, and what does the Balance team do? nerf the character some more, and the only time Symmetra sees a spot light, is, again, as a Uber, people would rather go 5v6 than have a Symmetra player on their team.


Another one on the list for Symmetra bugs:

She was pretty good for a portion of double shield meta, she was decent for a short amount of time during 2.0 cause of health stacking, she saw more play then a few dps heroes in tournaments/scrims because to strats become viabile.

She has had the most development time put into her by a large margin compared to every other character in ow. Although there hasn’t been a lot of pay off because sym’s core design is that trash. No wonder the devs are tired of working on her.

Not really. The entire reason she hasn’t seen a lot of success is that the dev team have tried to keep what makes symmetra, symmetra intact. To make her viabile they would truly need to delete sym’s core design.

Half the roster just said “me too!”

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Symmetra’s kit was responsible for the worst game breaking glitches, namely using tp to slip into map geometry (King’s Row bus, Dorado building in front of 1st attacker spawn, Gibraltar maybe too I’m not sure) where you could place unkillable turrets & contest payload indefinitely.

Nope, theres a few characters that’ve had the same treatment, some characters are being completely ignored for some of the most boring and basic characters in the game, characters like Sym, Mei and Doom are in the dirt and will stay there whilst characters like Mcree cant stand not being in the top dps.

and you just triggered all of them <.< (including me)

though its highly ironic that you say this, because thats probably how people think about symmetra

“Symmetra is the most mistreated hero! Bastion is treated poorly too, but he doesnt count cuz he doesnt have many players” thats probably exactly how everyone else thinks about symmetra.

so, you answered your own question

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She wasnt a 0.3% pickrate F tier hero for 9 days before her entire kit was nerfed by 30%, one of the biggest nerfs ever seen to a dps hero.

Most of it was unprompted and not aimed to playing Sym but instead watching or killing her. Or literal nerfs, like Infinite TP.

Sym 2.0’s core was solid, and before the last 6 months were she was reworked, she had really nice pickrates and winrates, going at 1.5% to 2% pickrate on all ladder.

She only dipped below 1% pickrate when EVERYONE that wasnt part of Dive meta did.

Arguably incorrect.

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Dont forget the tp cancelling, where if you place in an inavlid position it cancels tp placement and you have to do it again. Unlike Reapers wraith form which just lets you place it somewhere else.

Watch the Youtuber NotMuda, and you’ll see how they point out almost every Sym bug that has existed, or even still exists.

Yea they didn’t attempt to balance her.

I’m honestly really surprised that during the AMA that happened not too long ago, they didn’t say (or at least we didn’t ask if) Sym was going to receive any attention or not.

Only thing we got was how they apparently tried healing turrets but it didn’t work :confused:

They said they would do a Sym support rework again. But I hope they give her a new gun and different abilities because healing turrets are too messy to work in this game.

It honestly wouldn’t be that hard. If she had a crossfade ability like Lucio (makes sense lorewise too) then she can alternate between damage and healing turrets.

Additonally, this can also apply with all of her other abilities. Teleporter/Shield Generator, or even Photon Barrier with some other support ultimate. The possibilities are endless.

To make sure i’m being clear, I would want to be able to place a Shield Gen (or some better support ability) without stopping my access to Teleporter. The same for the turrets, as I’d want to use 3 healing and 3 damaging turrets at once.


I think they could also try to give her an actual heal weapon, you know
Not giving all her main heal exclusively on abilities

Brig, Lucio, and Zen heal with their abilities since they’re off-healers.

Mercy, Moira, Baptiste, and Ana heal with their primary and secondary fire, hence they’re main healers.

I don’t want to change Syms weapon just to make her a healer. As such, she is better to become an off-healer, especially since only 3 of them exist atm.

And what if her reworked abilities don’t make up for enough overall heal and utility and she still ends up being garbage?
In a spot where she’s too limited in healing where Brig is right now. And it’s no point picking her over Ana or Mercy or Lucio.

When everyone including the devs are practically begging Sym’s to stop forcing one of the nichest hero into every where and every situation, it’s really hard to have any sympathy towards Sym OT.

Imagine if your team don’t want to use the tele cheese strat for cheap wins, your hero’s power is already cut in half, it’s no one’s fault but you can’t come crying for buffs.

Imagine your heroes is all about traps and surprise, if you can’t constantly outthink your opponents, they will learn your tricks and shut you down by constantly outaim or outteamwork you. It’s not the hero’s problem, it’s a player problem.

And if you think Sym is not the hero she once was, then play Echo, she’s also a beam hero and can dive bomb as well.

The thing is people want Sym to be viable just like other heroes. And this can be easily done with small changes. Making her teleport worse for OWL or high rank situations in exchange for making it better for Sym herself. This is not asking for too much
Making the teleport have a maximim of 3 uses before it breaks in exchange for faster deployment and cooldown starting when dropping it would help her a lot. Making her range better by increasing beam length, beam level 1 damage or secondary fire orbs faster travel time. Just small buffs to make her compete with other dps