Can you get negative PBSR on a win?

All content in the is post is concerning MMR. I just wrote SR because I didn’t know any better.


furthermore, are losses taken into account when calculating PBSR. I’ll give an extreme example here.

Say I get match with 5 throwers on my team. Obviously my performance will be far worse than if I had 5 tryhards and my team but still lost.

So if I try my best in a game with throwers on my team, and try my best with tryhards on my team, my PBSR gain/loss would be different. This seems counterintuitive. Because if I try my best, my PBSR gain/loss should hover around the same amount. However it seems to be affected more by your teammates. So instead of calling it PlayerBasedSR, It should be called TeammateBasedSR.

I hope you see the point I am driving at. Can someone make the world right again? Thank you.

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SR doesn’t take stats into account, mmr does. So a single game won’t show any significant win or loss differences outside the initial differences in Sr between the team. They’ll just compound over time to give you more or less for every game.

And even then, Sr changes have a minimum. It might be 15, could be 10, can’t remember. But you can’t lose Sr for a win.

I edited the original post. Thank you.

Both SR and MMR are influenced by stats (below diamond). “Well, the amount of MMR (and SR) you go up or down isn’t simply a matter of whether you won or lost … As a minor factor, we also do evaluate how well you played the heroes you used in a match.” – Scott Mercer, Overwatch Forums

This was updated to remove the effect below diamond (Overwatch Forums), as well as other various changes, but performance affecting SR has never been removed, and has been restated recently (Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch).

For the full story, see How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 12), performance modifier section.

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This post is kinda muddled, but you can’t lose SR on a win, or gain it on a loss. MMR is more obscure. There are two posts on this, both quite old:

“In Overwatch, whether your MMR goes up or down is contingent on winning or losing. But there are a number of factors that determine how much that rating goes up or down.” – Jeff Kaplan Overwatch Forums

“MMR works very similarly to SR. There are some minor differences that make it feel worse though, when you just watch that number. For example, it’s possible to win a match and not gain any MMR. We make it so that if you win a match, you always gain SR – even if it’s just a little bit – to feel psychologically rewarding. But MMR’s entire goal is creating fair matches – which isn’t always fun to look at and certainly not “rewarding” for players looking for pats on the back or a sense of progression. So SR “chases” your MMR very closely, except in a rare case of severe SR decay at GM/Masters/Diamond level of play.” – Jeff Kaplan Overwatch Forums

Taken together, it means that on a win MMR change is >= 0. On a loss MMR change is <= 0.

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Well wait, I was under the impression that if you lost, buy you personally preformed extremely well, you would get positive PBSR points?? no?

Hold on again, let me try to describe the scenario again.

In both of these scenarios I try my best

Scenario 1: I’m Soldier 76. The game starts, all 5 of my teammates sit in spawn. I go ahead and try my best to win the match anyway. We lose. My performance will be far below average (damage and elims) because I won’t have my team and I’ll be getting pummeled etc…

Scenario 2: I’m Soldier 76. The game starts, all 5 of my teammates try to win the game. I go ahead and try my best to win also. We all preformed well, but still lose the match. Let’s say also I preformed above average (damage and elims.)

So in the first scenario my PBSR (PBMMR) will be negative because of the poor performance. In the second scenario my PBSR (PBMMR) will be positive because I preformed above average.

In both of these scenarios I tried my best, but it was my teammates who were the ones that played a larger role in my PBSR(PBMMR). It was not me. If this is the way the system works, it seems to be problematic.

Under normal circumstances, SR loss is -24 and an awesome PBSR +10, so you are still going to be -14. If we believe Jeff, there is no situation in which you can get enough performance SR (or MMR) to go positive on a loss.

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Hold on again, let me try to describe the scenario again.
In both of these scenarios I try my best

Scenario 1: I’m Soldier 76. The game starts, all 5 of my teammates sit in spawn. I go ahead and try my best to win the match anyway. We lose. My performance will be far below average (damage and elims) because I won’t have my team and I’ll be getting pummeled etc…

Scenario 2: I’m Soldier 76. The game starts, all 5 of my teammates try to win the game. I go ahead and try my best to win also. We all preformed well, but still lose the match. Let’s say also I preformed above average (damage and elims.)

So in the first scenario my PBSR (PBMMR) will be negative because of the poor performance. In the second scenario my PBSR (PBMMR) will be positive because I preformed above average.

In both of these scenarios I tried my best, but it was my teammates who were the ones that played a larger role in my PBSR(PBMMR). It was not me. If this is the way the system works, it seems to be problematic.

Yes if your team sucks and throws in spawn you can’t perform well so you will loose more SR as in a game where you can perform well because your team is awesome and you loose close so like in game 1 you’ll loose like 25 points but in game 2 because you did so well but still loose you’ll loose like 18 and no when you get stomped there is nothing you can do about it, switch to sombra or tracer and never die and just poke and do dmg get a high accuracy and as much dmg as possible while not dying a single time or only 1-2 deaths while farming dmg and accuracy at the tanks. Best way to do that is sombra and I can tell you from personal experience you will loose less points because 1. you’re PBSR is always compared to others on the same rank same hero and not many people play sombra and 2. if you get stomped within 2 minutes and only do dmg to tanks your PBSR will be heavily influenced by your dmg/10 mins deaths/10mins and accuracy since you won’t get any picks no KD but whatever, as sombra you won’t die with translocator so get in do as much dmg as possible and translocate out. I often switch to sombra on real stomps but that doesn’t happen very often tbh only like 1-2 games out of 20 when a widow smurf is having fun with us :smiley:

Yes, how good your team is will influence your performance SR, indirectly. Over many games, it should average out, but in the short term in can lead to annoying losses of SR.

P.S. This is why you should always try-hard, even when a defeat looks certain.

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What I find ironic about PBSR is that it is not really player based, it’s more teammate based. They should at least do us the courtesy of naming it TBSR. Team Based SR. trololo. Short of getting rid of it totally, I would support your view of only using it for newish players.

It would be nice if SR contained two numbers. One like the SR we have now, and another number from 1 to 100 telling you how confident the system was with your SR score. Haven’t played in a long time, they system is not so confident, and we should be able to see that information.