Leaving is not (properly) reportable as sabotage. The leavers accrue their own leaver penalties and the system handles that automatically.
Please don’t report for sabotage just because someone rage quits or has to answer a call. It lessens the impact of actual sabotage reports (which as per in-game definitions means abusing in-game mechanics to deny teammates mobility/access).
I had someone explain how they leave matches if its hosted on the wrong server. Why risk a sabotage/innactivity report for playing with 200ms? Its certainly uncompetitive - plus its unfun and unenjoyable being on the wrong server. Better to just take the leaver penalty. I can respect that.
My purpose here is not to make people feel better. My purpose is to answer legitimate questions with correct answers. The OP’s question is legitimate, so I answered it.
you get automatically suspended for leaving in comp, which can lead to a season ban if it happens too often (suspension will be extended each time)
and 3 season bans are a permanent ban from comp, forever
A one-time incident like you describe will not get you in trouble, in fact if you reported the offending players who were being abusive they are more likely to get in trouble. I myself have deliberately left Competitive matches which have fallen into a complete toxic situation.
You will get the standard Competitive penalty of course, but as long as you were not violating the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct yourself, I would not worry about severe penalties.
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