Can you get banned for purposely leaving a match?

Thanks so much :sob: I wish I knew

Had the same situation like few days ago where some plat 4stack kept trashing me for hardthrowing on doomfist. This was 2 minutes into the game. I left and so far havent gotten a ban. It should be fine if it only happens once.

So we assume everyone likes rdr2?
I know, I’m having more fun playing overwatch.
But that might be just me alone.

I’m past caring tbh, if I play a full round tanking for crap supports and dps and for example 1 elim is gold and 600dmg is also gold then I’m really not sticking around for the other round and will just go do something else instead that won’t frustrate me as much.

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I feel for you as my friend has often the same reactions when we play in US. It suck but you reacted in wrong way and punished yours self with sr loss.

You have basicly two options, fight back and make fun of them or mute them all and continue doing call outs. If there is more than person 1 doing this i suggest muting them and ignoring chat, just dont even look there.

They might report you if they were in group so you will get few reports. But if you are nice to others in other games its fine, you dont have to worry about banning at all.

Btw dont leave voice or hide chat in general. Dont let few morons to make you afraid to comunicate with team mates.

In those situations, I leave voice and team chat. Stay in all chat, because I have seen people realize I left chat and make BS claims in chat, such as that I was dropping racist slurs or something. Being able to see that means you can defend yourself a little.

Don’t bother reporting someone except in the most extreme cases. Reports at almost entirely meaningless, given the overall toxicity of the community. The more reports you make, the less the robo-system cares about each report.

Save it for the worst of the worst, that way it has a slight chance of getting them actioned. If you report everyone toxic jackass cursing and screaming in chat, the automated system treats your reports as spam and largely ignores them.

Leave penalty will escalate if you leave too many matches.

My advice is to just play without comms and turn off the chat box with ctrl+shift+c

Did this a few seasons back and it made the game 1000x better for me.

Leaving is bannable. See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 19) → Leaver Penalty for details. I mute people in the social tab (hotkey P on PC) who are being difficult.

You won’t get a banned for leaving but if you keep doing it then you will get a ban after a certain amount of times.

On a side note, this is unfortunately why I have kept voice and chat off since like season 14 or so. Sooooo many toxic people it is sad. It sucks because voice helps a lot but since pretty much every match will have a toxic person on your team (unless you are on the steamrolling team) isn’t worth it.

Yes you can be banned for doing this repeatedly. Just mute them and don’t let it tilt you.

it is bad that you left, but you only left once. also those dudes kind of deserved the loss. If you think yelling at your teammates, purposefully tilting your teammates is a good idea, you deserve to lose. I have yelled at teammates, but I try to never get that tilted. I scream off mic.

I have played with people with the largest accents (For some reason pacific gets matched with Europe and Asia a lot, so Ive been put in a game with Koreans, Dutch, English, and Swiss people, at the same time), and it is not annoying. its annoying if you mistake someone, but accents are not annoying.

Those dudes just suck.

Also, report, block, and avoid the worst offenders there.

I’ve left hundreds, so probably not. I never leave comp games though.

-Reinstall RDR2
-Reinstall all Graphics drivers when RDR2 doesn’t load
-curse at Rockstar cause after an hour you Flash your Bios a third time
-Reinstall RDR2
-Pray it works
-4 days later see the game open for the first time.

I understand how bad you might have felt, but really you had all the tools at your disposal in order to hide the chat, mute the offender and report him, so you can’t really be excused I’m afraid…

And you most probably costed the game for another 4 innocent people as well…

No it was all 5 of them, I wouldn’t have cared if it was 1 person.

But it’s ok, I just was so upset at the time, I’m over it now though.

thanks for the comment though.

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Come on, dont stress him/her, one left game doesnt mean anything

Leaving is not (properly) reportable as sabotage. The leavers accrue their own leaver penalties and the system handles that automatically.

Please don’t report for sabotage just because someone rage quits or has to answer a call. It lessens the impact of actual sabotage reports (which as per in-game definitions means abusing in-game mechanics to deny teammates mobility/access).

I had someone explain how they leave matches if its hosted on the wrong server. Why risk a sabotage/innactivity report for playing with 200ms? Its certainly uncompetitive - plus its unfun and unenjoyable being on the wrong server. Better to just take the leaver penalty. I can respect that.

My purpose here is not to make people feel better. My purpose is to answer legitimate questions with correct answers. The OP’s question is legitimate, so I answered it.

you get automatically suspended for leaving in comp, which can lead to a season ban if it happens too often (suspension will be extended each time)

and 3 season bans are a permanent ban from comp, forever

A one-time incident like you describe will not get you in trouble, in fact if you reported the offending players who were being abusive they are more likely to get in trouble. I myself have deliberately left Competitive matches which have fallen into a complete toxic situation.

You will get the standard Competitive penalty of course, but as long as you were not violating the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct yourself, I would not worry about severe penalties.

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