Can you earn league tokens by watching the "Live rewatch"?

I have no idea how twitch or all this league stuff works. I connected my twitch account to my blizzard account, followed the owl channel and now I am watching something that is apparently live but at the same time not a live match?
I don’t get it, can I get tokens for watching the thing that is running right now?

Also, what do I need to do in order to get the tokens?
Can I just let the window run in the background?
Do I need to have sound enabled?
Do I need to type something in the chat?
Do I need to have the browser tab active or can I open new ones and do something else?

sound has to be enabled but I don’t know anything else.

Reruns don’t provide tokens, only live broadcasts. They stopped using Twitch’s built-in rerun feature for some reason, but reruns are labeled with “rewatch” in the title, as you mentioned.

I’d refer you to the “Overwatch League Token Drops” section in this post.

You can have it open in a background browser tab while you do other things, provided it’s not muted (1 “notch” of volume is fine). Alternatively, you can turn it on in a separate app, such as on a mobile device, and let it go there.

My method is to leave the Xbox Twitch app running while I’m on my PC and vice versa. If I actually want to watch, I can turn on the respective TV/monitor. If not, I’m getting tokens anyway.

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Thanks for your reply!