Can You Bypass Skybox?

Does anyone have a rule which allows the event player to fall through the skybox? I’ve been trying different ways of detecting it but since it’s different on every map and uneven on some it’s difficult.

have you tried teleporting yourself meters below your previous position?

Tried that, it worked to an extent but sometimes it went through walls etc. and I had to run it constantly every 1s since I didn’t know how to only run it when on the skybox. I guess I could try a downwards raycast?

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yeah, you can experiment with that, since we dont have anything in the workshop that can go through the skybox yet :confused: from what i know

I’ll check it out when I have time. Thanks!

You could check the vertical speed and when its low or 0, teleport downwards.

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Raycasts will go through the skybox
I also recommend checking the vertical speed of the player & if their altitude is above a certain amount to detect the skybox, but this may not be perfect.

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Ah, why didn’t I think of that! Thanks for the idea!

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Teleport, Start Forcing Position, Disable Collision