Can widow shoot through barriers yet

her ult is only good if the enemy team is actually dumb as bricks and decides to peek a widow
so can she actually just shoot through barriers while its activated cause she legit has zero threat when you have even 1 barrier
they have a widow? we have a barrier? just hide behind the shield
widow used ult? just hide behind shields.

although this community doesnt like changes that would fix heroes so im preparing for the ‘‘Your just bad’’ comments (i know one of yall is gon do it.)

You want Widow to be able to shoot through barriers? This is a troll post, right?
She’s already one of the most busted heroes in the game! No need to add onto that pile.


Oh my, you just proved you are the one that is


Widows ultimate makes enemy team very vulnerable.
Not only her, her entire team sees you -> very unpleasant combos drop on your head.

It should be nrfed - teammates should not see through walls too.
Make widow to tell her teammates what enemy team doing

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and shes busted cause she can 1 shot heroes im guessing?
lets just ignore the fact that shes a sniper while we’re at it.

Yeah this doesn’t seem like a totally broken idea at all. :upside_down_face:

Isn’t it bad enough she can 2 shot body squishies without any falloff damage instantaneously?

Lol no, a very good ult
INB4 “Lies,it deals no damage, Tactical Visor is better”
Good Anti Flanker ult, Literally a team wallhack for 16s
That charges very easily

Grappleshot ?
Good Positioning ?
Widow Flanks (This is a thing)

Widow had the highest DPS Winrate during double Barrier in GM
a 56%
A META that supposedly counters her


oh no, he thinks Widow can flank without getting noticed after the first pick
he thinks that hanzo doesnt exist and cant 180 headshot her and just ruin her Flank all together

Hitscan one-shot from across the map without any sort of risk involved? Yes. Add to it mobility, a relatively slim hit-box with 200 hp… and an ultimate that’s a literal wallhack… Yes, she’s busted.
As is Hanzo.


Kill 2 supports you win the fight
Kill 1 you have a huge advantage

You should tell this guy
He is only a top 40 Widowmaker
Not that high

To think it’s almost 2020 and there’s still people thinking Infra-Sight is bad.

Seriously, just watch any high level Widow streamer or some OWL. Even when it doesn’t result in kills, it’s amazing for buying time and controlling team-fights and can always give some amount of value.


It doesn’t matter if you get noticed after the first pick. At that point you’re 6v5 and able to shoot again or grapple away.

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That and if we’re being honest, anything below Masters and no one is going to do anything to the widow after the first pick anyway. As long as she doesn’t miss the initial shot, the chances of the person that got killed telling their team exactly where they are, and the team reacting in time before the widow takes her next shot is non-existent.

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u know widow can move right??? u can even grapple up and shoot over the barrier. its not rocket science man.

The easiest sniper ever in a shooter. She is like the TF2 sniper on massive training wheels

Are you asking for a…widow buff on the forums?

Rip my friend, you will be torn to shreds for that suggestion…

Widow is fine, pretty balanced right now imo

To be fair, the game’s very fast paced with a lot of mobility, healing, etc. The (head) hitboxes are also not that reliant.

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We had and heavy sustain metas because of Snipers (especially Widow)
She dictates the meta for a long time.

Tell me why this isn’t overpowered

Yeah, because being a sniper isn’t an inherent disadvantage it’s just a basic description of her kit.