Can we talk about Endorsements for a minute?

I really can’t get enough of this one :joy:

Nice quotes, but I really think you waste everyone’s time and should go drink some tea.

You really tried, too bad i’m not a melting snowflake

Yep, I agree on that. The idea is good, execution leaves quite a lot to be desired. But honestly, I cannot think of any way of improving the endorsement system. If it was more impactful, abusing it by either false endorsing or false reporting would also become more of a problem.

You just insulted me three times while quoting what I said out of context to make me look toxic. Something’s really wrong here and I’m not getting here.

I don’t think you really know what toxicity is and that’s the whole problem in this “u” - “no u” argument and that’s why you think the system doesn’t workout for you. It is working, the proper way - you’re just too blind to realize the source of this whole “virtual thread fighting” is the way you talk, aproach and victimize at the end.

You take the “it works well to avoid people like you” as an insult, but it really isn’t. Yet, you end up insulting me because you think I insulted you, while I didn’t, and you really didn’y had zero idea of the initial argument. Oh well.

I’m not asking for more impact, I also fail to see what it could impact with benefits for everyone.
my idea is basically

- remove quickplay/ranked linked endorsement level
- remove any incentives for giving endorsements
(not sure about the lootbox rewards but would also remove it since this feature is here to promote teamplay and not throwing candies around)
- rework LFG and the interaction with basic matchmaking at the same time

well, I only care about lootboxes that you get randomly,
the more endorsement level you have, the more you get.

also when event starts you get free loot boxes corresponding to your endorsement rank

If I really insulted you flag it, quote me to keep trying to shame me and make me look like THE toxic ennemy, but since you have no arguments you should just stop here, read again all the aggressive stuff you said just because I disagreed with you and mainly stop using the TOXIC card for anything when you lose an argument, stop tagging me now.

That really was your most lucid sentence in there but you can’t even stick to that

I didn’t feel the need to flag you and I still don’t.
What worries me is the lack of common-sense here. Wow.

You flag, you insult, you quote, you ridiculize other than DPS mains, you shame Blizzard and at the end, it’s everybody’s fault except yours… Bro… Something’s really wrong here @_@

You still don’t answer, where did I insulted you ?

Where did I defended “DPS mains” over others ? (looks like you categorize again)

Yes i’m BLAming Blizzard for letting you think your point is better than anyone else and leeting people like you hit high trust level so they can just throw it at others faces and call them a “TOXIC DPS MAIN”

Not everyone’s fault, just yours but you still fail to see the reality around you. Stop playing the victim when you loose an argument and, again, stop tagging me for the sake of your sick brain.

You must be seeing something I don’t. I don’t see that at all.

They do matter. They are the factor in how many lootboxes you are given.


You just insulted me 3 times again in this reply.
I didn’t lose (or won) the argument because I wasn’t even arguing with you in first place. All I did was replying to you, over and over.

And all your other answers are on your first two replies to me. I ain’t gonna go up there again to quote you like you did, twice. That’s your job - and I really hope your learn something after that.

That way I don’t have the chance to quote your stuff out of context, and Blizzard (sadly) will have to read all the bs written up there because someone flag-abused the system. - Speaking of abusing Blizzard’s systems, you just did what you were complaning up there too. :wink:

lets try again. :monkey_face:

i - just - did - this - because - you - asked

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Uh, yeah… leaving is exactly what I do lol.

I’ve been bouncing back and fourth between trust level 3 & 4 since a few weeks after they introduced this system. Now? Well now it’s clear to me that you have to play this game a lot and receive consistent endorsements after every game not only to get to level 5, but to stay there.

So yeah, don’t care about the system anymore… at least not to the extent that I’m over here going “oh no should I leave this game? What about my endorsement level?” Nowadays the answer is always “yes, don’t care, leaving”.

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first quote = statement
second quote = statement. (looooong time after you said I insulted you)

lets try again :monkey_face:

We found the problem here. It makes sense you never really saw what was happening since you don’t know the difference between insulting and a statement.

Finally we got to a conclusion.
Wish you a wonderful day and in the next argument, at least know what you’re talking about.

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Half the time I’m pretty sure I got it sarcastically or out of pity. Heck I know one match I got it from teammates out of pity after a particularly toxic individual latched on to a 0 kill D.Va bomb in the first minute of the game and was screaming at me all match for it. I muted him and only heard the Lucio telling him to chill a couple times and asking when I “kicked his (toxic dude’s) dog” right before the match ended. Got 4 endorsements, despite knowing my play was mediocre to lackluster at best that match.

If it has improved anything regarding player toxicity I haven’t noticed.
But I do play on console, so the means of transmitting toxicity on here are limited to VC and directly messaging someone through PSN, making them probably rarer than on PC as it’s more of a hassle.

If there were restrictions, like levels 1-3 can only use pre-made phrases in text chat, or level 2+ is required before you can join some groups in LFG, and they didn’t give bonus xp I think they could be tooled to be a bit better at their intended function, but I don’t think they’ll ever be this outstanding must have feature.


Wow, I just booted up OW and I get greeted with thumb upping Hog and 2 free lootboxes :joy:

Endorsement level Is useless.

I had many players who threw my games with endorsement level 4s and 5s.

And I never use my mic but still get shot callers for carrying a game. It just makes no sense.

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An extra 150 XP each game and a few free Lootboxes is pretty much all the feature gave us.

Just reduce the ammount of endorsements a player can give (like 1 or 2 per game and 10 per day) and maybe give players a better reward after reaching a certain level or number of endorsements.

Also remove the categories.
I don’t feel like I deserve a “Shotcaller” endorsement just for letting people know that my ultimate is ready in QP xD