Can we stop with the "Smurf" threads?

Yeh I’ve got stuff to do… I’m not an undergrad anymore who can spend all the day getting good (I did that with tf2). I don’t think the answer to getting a good game is being better than everyone so the atrocious match making doesn’t apply to me cos I can solo carry :roll_eyes:

It’s like being told to not complain about the professional playing in your community amateur league and being told that you should either hire your own champ or quit your job and be a professional too so it evens out…


some people just have an alt acc to practice x hero because they dont it to affect their main sr. acting as if quick play doesnt exist. they are playing their best but are soft throwing because they play 1 hero.

now you are making me think the existance of slave accounts

oh look, its this guy again spreading his knowledge

The value is experience. “How” did that flanker kill you. “What” did they do to achieve the kill on you. “What” can you do to avoid it in future.

All these help you get better at the game.

I don’t know how to explain this idea or if possible to do it
limit account:
when installing the first game, you need to link it to an email and mobile number just one
If you want to change it, you must contact the support team
when creating another account, you receive a warning that this is not an account associated with the game file and you may be banned
for all platform by use blizzard connected accounts

Yet ban evasion is punishable is it not?

Had one guy jump on another account after his previous one got banned and repeated the same shtick over again.

Then quite literally, you are not a Smurf but using Alts. First is against TOS, second is not. You can thank Papa Jeff who misused the term forever cementing hundreds of threads and thousands of misuses of the term. Thanks jeff.

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Some people aren’t that worried about getting to a higher rank though, they just want to play a fair game and enjoy themselves, playing against people of the same rank.

I think smurfs can be helpful sometimes, but sometimes that completely destroy the matchmaking to the point where the game is a stomp for the smurfs team. You can’t learn anything from stomps…

Completely correct.


They spent a lot of time playing/practising. I don’t need to have my time wasted getting a bunch of the games I’m playing in trashed. If I wanted I can watch top tier matches to even get replay codes to analyse their movement, positioning, techniques. It’s not like I’m learning how to aim better by getting smacked down every few seconds, or even learning good positioning cos they’re just gonna kill me anyway due to me or my team having the aim/awareness to actually capitalise on good positioning. If anything I’m gonna get into bad habits cos it’s not gonna matter how we set up the fight is almost entirely determined by whoever has the most alt/smurf accounts.


Don’t bother … this dude loves to come try to legitimize smurfs in the game, find excuses, ect. He’s “MVP” so he must be right, while ignoring facts and logic about what smurfs do to the game.

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Well, QP cannot really be used for practice. It’s way less competitive than comp and the MMR range is huge.

Nah, he is just being realistic.
I get that smurfs are annoying, but if there would be a good and easy solution, Blizzard would’ve already implemented it.
Luckily, most smurfs don’t completely destroy, I rarely see those.

And don’t get me wrong, I would be happy too if I would meet more main accounts.
But solutions like separate Qs are just worsening already existing problems (q times), you don’t want to do that to an actual new player.
Using SMS protect as a general solution keeps away honest folks who don’t have a phone or don’t want to share their phone number to a gaming company due to privacy reasons.
If you would amplify reports vs low-level accounts, you can basically also troll new players or ban them for being bad at the game. And let’s be honest, a lot of people buy their smurfs already levelled, because getting them to 25 is painful.

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No. People will stop complaining about smurfs when Blizzard properly regulates the issue. I went on a 10+ loss streak earlier, because thanks to the 50k free accounts Blizzard allowed to to be given out + the holiday sale, there was an obvious GM+ smurf on the enemy team every single game. For whatever reason, there wasn’t anybody who was a smurf on my team.

Yes, playing against people who are better than you is the best way to become better yourself, but some people don’t really care about becoming a GM player and are perfectly fine playing against those who are equal to their level at the lower rank they are. The smurfing issue that people continuously deny is actually an issue believe it or not. I just dealt with it for the last four hours that I played tonight, and I’ve had enough. I probably won’t be playing again until after this sale + the Christmas sale is over and after all the new alternative accounts are properly ranked. That is, if I haven’t moved onto some other game. Cyberpunk 2077 is releasing soon and won’t have smurfs.

You’re top500. Smurfs simply cannot affect you like they affect other people.

For people in most ranks, a smurf is a far bigger deal than playing into a stack. A masters/GM player in a gold game is much more of an issue than simply dealing with more coordinated gold players.

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I only use my alt for practice not comp. If I am trying to learn a new hero I would use that account

  1. You notice smurfs on your own team in general less, because you are not on the receiving side.
  2. There is rarely a GM smurf (which also makes sense since not that many players are GM). Even here in diamond, they are usually just slightly better.
  3. Those 50k accounts get split over multiple regions and they won’t all be online at the same time as you and play at your elo.

I hear this kind of thing a lot, but I don’t think it’s true. The problem is, there are large differences between:

  1. Real high rank play.
  2. High rank stomping low rank.
  3. Real low rank play.

You just cannot rank up with many heroes (maybe some independent DPS and some tanks but not supports for instance) by playing a “high rank” game in your current rank. Your team will not be able to capitalize on what you are doing and you’ll lose because you are not doing what they need you to do. For instance, imagine Lucio. High ranks speed boost a lot, low ranks healbot or reddit Lucio. If you tried to play him like high rank, you’d fail because your team would not capitalize on your speed boosting and you’d lose the value you’d otherwise have healbotting or going for environmental kills.

It’s the same concept with a smurf. A GM Genji stomping gold players does not play like a GM Genji in a GM game does. He knows he can get away with almost anything. He’s not going to be cautious and poke for ult, he’s going to be incredibly aggressive. Between this and not having the GM teammates you’d normally have, playing into that guy isn’t going to be like anything else in the game. You can’t counter him like a GM player would counter him because he would depend on his GM teammates, which you don’t have, and anyways he isn’t playing anything like a GM player does in a real game.

You can sometimes get some basic techniques and stuff, but really, there isn’t much to learn and you aren’t going to counter the guy unless you can flat out outduel him, which you can’t.

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The problem with this is simple: research has shown that no one learns when the speed of the situation is too high; a GM against a bronze player or even Gold, the weaker player will literally learn nothing or next to nothing but will remember being curb-stomped. People learn when challenged with tasks a bit above their current skill level, not leagues above.

Umm you’re T500. You’re already at the peak. There won’t be very many better than you.

Maybe you’ll understand the frustration if I put it like this:

How much would it suck for you, a T500, to have your games constantly invaded by Bronze-level players? You have 3 Bronze on your team, but the enemy team just has T500. Does that seem fair to anyone? It will be an utter sh*t-show of a match. The Bronze will have a terrible time. The T500 will have a terrible time. The losing team will get pissed off. The winning team will feel like they wasted their time.

You don’t care to stop smurfs because they literally do not affect you.

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Don’t mistake the icon. I’m top500 in lucioball, team deathmatch and 3v3 elim.

Not main comp.

Main comp I’m 3,000sr. I started season 2 at 1,600. Playing against people better than me helped me do better and get better as a player.