Can we stop with the Mercy spam?

If Mercy is fixed, then people will stop posting concerns. Until she is fun again, people will not stop posting topics.


We don’t actually know this since they never answered anything, haven’t been banned yet for “spamming”.

I don’t see how that would work but okay.

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Thanks for detective work.

Can’t post links because level system.

I’m not so sure about that. Remember when D.Va mains whined their way into making her able to do everything and now she’s in 99% of team comps.

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thx god soemone w/ a brain here

“We have no plans to revert Mercy.”
Like how they had no plans to change Mercy because of her pickrate, but here we are.


Make a megathread and keep it there. Like Sombra, Bastion, Mei and Symmetra players did, for which they’ll have my eternal respect.

“Oh, but devs don’t read those megathreads”. Yeah, right. Like they read forums at all.

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not reverting mercy…


“we think she’s in a good spot and we aren’t going to nerf her” continues to nerf her


The fact that certain prolific Mercy posters have to cycle between different accounts makes me doubt that, somehow.

As for the second part, easy. First time I read about how Mercy isn’t fun I can kinda relate. Fast forward a few months and it’s still the same topics dominating the front page despite dev acknowledgement (yes, you were acknowledged, the answer just wasn’t what you wanted)? Frankly I’m just gonna want y’all to shut up.


I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with what the OP is trying to say. Yeah, mercy’s balance is a hot topic and it always will be because a LOT of people like playing her. It’s okay to complain about it-- to a certain extent, I think.

Also I don’t think this is a mercy main topic problem either. This is a general problem that all forums have to maintain-- spamming the same topics over and over, whether it is about mercy or how Summer Games suck.


Techincally they reverted her healing if we wanna be like that.

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They did revert her, her healing. They also said that Mercy was in a good place, then nerfed her right after.


Devs should make a mega thread for every hero, I’m tired of seeing people complain about Lucio not being viable.


That’s probably one healer I don’t remember seeing posts about at all.

You do realize Jeff made that comment when Mercy’s pickrate was tied with Moira’s right?

I made a thread about that phenomenon myself a couple days prior to Jeff’s statement.

Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)


Just saw a few today, maybe you’re not looking hard enough.

Lucio truly deserves the most; he’s a good boy


Yeah, things change over time…

This clown is arguing Mercy is underpowered in this thread and claiming she’s overpowered in another one I posted. Don’t feed the loser.

But a Tracer main named “BanBrigitte” is very funny and tells you everything you need to know about him; that he can’t deal with counters and has gone through 5 smashed controllers in rage fits.