Can we stop pretending hog punishes bad positioning

Let’s not go crazy, I fully expected them to screw this up pretty bad. They still have, considering how much this isn’t really a ‘rework’ and how I can never tell which trap is which team’s x2 now.

It’s a funny thing when people love something, they’ll do all they can to make it work.

I thought that too, but a multi-Hook would’ve been pretty cool.

It’s ok, a lot of us here seem to enjoy you.

Hog would probably approve of his new version being called Spicyhog.

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Kinda the opposite thou. Abilities that alter someone’s position suddenly punishes any positioning and removing a players own autonomy of the game.

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That is a great point Marmites. I am sure in a different life that would be my argument as well!

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I think you’re wrong.

The whole point of Tanks is to give your team a positioning advantage. Which includes making enemy positioning worse.

That said, as somebody who obsesses about Hog design. Hog is too durable. But he’s also too vulnerable to AntiHeal and Ultcharge feeding.

Something like this would be ideal:


  • Either less health, or less damage resistance on Breather, or less heal resource, or a bit of all three
  • Another hog-specific passive to block a bit more Ult charge feeding


  • Do something to make AntiHeal less effective on Tanks in general, or just Hog. Or give Tanks a passive to deal with Antiheal. Or a cleanse on Breather.

Nobody above gold dies to hog that much

found the proud plat player

I dont think anyone said that 100% of the players getting hooked were “out of position”
Denying that many times people get hooked because they were unaware or out of position though would be lying.

The difference in opinion marks what % people think are to each side :man_shrugging:

They need to do something about him basically forcing Ana. She’s in enough games as it is.

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Diamond. Platinum title from last season. Found the hardstuck gold player

Dying to Hog isn’t the annoying part. He is just hard to kill without team focus. I see Hogs with 5K+ healing in QP. If matchmaker deals you a bad team it becomes unfun quick. Support will get mad if you shoot him too much and not focus fire DPS but also get mad when they die from hook.

play dva, counters hog, and eats anti

He is a strong hero, the devs themselves said so with his winrate after the rework. You certainly can position to be hooked less, but yes, people do need to be on point at times and are in his hook range.

not been gold since 2016 brotha

The matchmaking doesn’t give you a bad team, your teammates don’t stop you from climbing if you focus on yourself and maximize impact

Doubt. 20 characters

I dont play competitive. I did before but Im a qp player and they will give you new players.

Hog rewards circular logic.

If you are out of position playing control, then you are playing it wrong.

If i see you peaking me and you’re not next to your tank or too far away to hook, your positioning is bad. End of

I won’t say hook is super op, but I absolutely hate that people say if he hooks you at all ever at any time “you were out of position”.

Hog can move. He doesn’t just stay by his team huddled up in a big group all the time. Sure, if you walked straight at him and went up to his team when you shouldn’t and he hooked you, you were out of position.
But Hog can flank, he can take side routes, he can surprise you. Not every single time Hog hooks you were you out of position.

Is it out of position when both teams are in the middle of a team fight on the point, fighting for control of it and he hooks you? You literally have to be there, you have no choice, especially if you’re playing a close range character like Reaper.

The “you were out of position” argument is the dumbest nothing-burger excuse I’ve seen on the forums, and it comes up any time someone has any complaint about Hog.