Can we start buffing some heroes now?

The last few updates (besides ashe being released) have just been nerfs and reworks and changes and this game is really losing it power because of it. I think a general buff to every hero and then some stronger ones to unpicked heroes like bastion, sym, reaper, and mei. And when i say everyone gets a buff, im including mercy and brig. it’ll change things up and allow for more counter play. no reworks, just small buffs

Nerfs reworks and buffs you mean.

Lucio was buffed.
Reaper was buffed.
Hog was bufffed.

There is probably more, but yea.

I’m not sure this is a good idea. Sounds like a balancing nightmare.

If everyone gets a buff, no one gets a buff.

it’s just a step up from where we’re at now.

Nerfs AND buffs for junkrat please
Edit: lol typo

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i think the end of the year would be a good time for the developers to see their super secret hero stats and see where they line up with the developers own ideas on how those should perform but also taking into consideration how the playerbase generally feels about the heros. its not like the playerbase will automatically play a hero how the developers intended anyway.

small buffs and nerfs is the way it should go i think. who knows, we might just need small nerfs across the board :stuck_out_tongue:

also: the person above me said ‘Nerfs AND butts for junkrats please’ first

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I’d like to see smaller buffs/nerfs more frequently as well. Making the changes is nowhere as easy as the “one dev just pushes a button” silliness that people like to spew, but I don’t think it’s unrealistic to expect more frequent adjustments.

Maybe give Sym’s new primary a damage buff for a month and see how it works out. If it’s too good, adjust it. What’s the worse that can happen? A character is pretty good for a short amount of time? If certain characters have consistently been top-tier for years, I think the community can deal with Sym, Reaper or Mei being really good and not just niche picks for a short duration.

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I play a lot of Mei.

I think she needs some minor adjustments, but not a lot.

Wouldn’t want an annoying CC hero to be commonly used, now would we :slight_smile:

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I’d just be happy if they fix her bugs. A nice touch would be if they allow her to spawn her walls off of vertical surfaces or give her the ability to skate on her ice. People have been suggesting those for a long time and blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged it, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

Given that her CC takes a while, I don’t see an issue buffing her. There’s a big difference between getting frozen by a Mei and getting stunned by a Brig or Mcree. If you get frozen by a Mei, you either deserve it or she’s horribly out of position and will die shortly.