Can we remove the hidden MMR?

Perhaps if the system was more transparent a few more people would realize that throwing is never the optimal play.

You seem to be under the impression that MMR magically equals a person’s true rank. It doesn’t. If SR is wrong for a player (as is often the case for new players due to low statistics) MMR is wrong as well.


Hmmm, so I think that we agree that skill levels at an SR can vary massively. So if MMR no more accurate as a measure of player skill than SR, why bother with it at all?

Just match people based on SR and let the dice fall where they may. This whole MMR match making is just producing garbage games at the moment.

How how about just making MMR just based on player performance like in CSGO. You can win matches and still go down in rank if you played bad or go up in rank if you lost but you were godlike.

There’s only 1 reason MMR is in the game and that 1 reason is big enough to keep it in the game: Smurfs.

With the current system if someone is absurdly good for his SR the system tries to queue him against someone with a similar SR so the other team doesn’t get steamrolled. The problem is they include Tank/Support MMR and everyone knows a good support/tank doesn’t impact the game as much as a smurf DPS.

As of now, they are both in the game primarily to implement decay. This can be done other (and better) ways. As I say above, my preferred solution is that SR should be abolished, MMR made visible, and inactivity handled with tier decay (top 500 → GM → M → D), not rank decay. Having two numbers, one visible, one invisible, to represent skill is silly and confusing.

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To be honest man competitive is a dam joke .I have over 230hrs on my other account and my stats say that im one of the best orisa players atm on ladder yet i cant even get out of gold because i either get people not willing to play as a team ,people who pick the wrong units to counter the enemys units ,People who wanna run away from the shield and just get killed ,or i get toxic idiots who just make the experience miserable .I just dont know if i can be bothered with overwatch anymore especially when the match maker is so blatently rigged .


No. The game does not understand “absurdly good for his SR”. If a player does really well in a match, he wins and gets a nice performance bonus and then gets a new game at his shiny new rank. If he keeps doing it, he moves up the ranks quickly. There is nothing to be gained by trying to make matches “fair” and hold him down.

This is how dumb the system is i cant get out of gold because of leavers and idiots right but when i play on my friends masters account i won like 7 out of 10 games and finished on 3 golds as orisa .So tell me why the hell am i stuck in gold with a bunch of morons who dont want to play as a team .This is why i feel like rank dosnt matter in this game because if i can hold my own in masters then that just shows that overwatch = time played and not skill based .All these people in masters probably play 100s and 100s of hrs and yet im stuck in gold but beat master level players its so stupid .They need to fix this crap .

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But the other person also has a similar SR to you? So shouldn’t it is actually SR vs SR it’s just that they take people with more similar skill level to your team so it isn’t a complete steamroll, which it is most of the time anyway.

I’m nowhere near master level (I was winning games with Orisa at 2500 a few months back, but was fairly heavy as I wasn’t used to enemies shooting straight or being more coordinated than in 2350 gold).

But I feel the pain of matches at lower SR being harder than higher up. My wins at 2500 were easier than many of the games I played on my crash down to 1700.

You can’t depend on team mates for anything at low Sr. Orisa is a force multiplier, and at lower SR you’re multiplying less…

Still, hopefully guilds with us soon. Get proper teams playing.

I had the same experience. Logic dictates that it should be easier to rank up, the lower in the SR system you are. But the inverse seems to true, and that is because of Match Making Rating handicapping matches. The harder you struggle to climb, the harder MMR pulls you down.

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I did say or rework in the same sentence. Stop cherry picking

It can still be vague… But argue for the sake of arguing.

I agree 100%.


From OW to Rocket Legue.

     Unless you can rank there is NO REASON to play them.

You don’t get extra GUNS
You don’t get extra POWERS
You don’t face BOSS FIGHTS
And there is no STORYLINE

Its just 5-minute games TO RANK UP on A NUMBER. They have no other purpose.

The fact that we all have alt acc (like this im posting from) to train, smurf,troll in comp …AND BE RECYCLED …RANDOMLY… TO AVOID HUGE QUE TIMES
makes the SR an impossible system to be “REWARDING”.


I mean Rocket League does has some incentives, you get cool cars.

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You are making things up or guessing because this is NOT true.

Derank a new account hard when leveling and doing placements. See what kind of games you get, insanely bad players that can’t play the game at all. Then push your MMR hard for ten games and you’re in smurf Vs smurf Elo, regardless of SR.

I have done this over and over. There is definitely a smurf Elo within every SR and if your MMR is like that you HAVE TO play high impact heroes and carry or do massive coordination of the team by shothcalling if you want to keep winning.

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I’m quoting developers.

You are a thrower.

And a sock puppet.

Good bye.

Yet another post where people complain about the system being fare, like do you people even understand what 50/50 means or you just copy and paste this cuz you saw some other guy using this as an excuse

If you’re bad and got low MMR you get better teammates to compensate for your lack of skill. And vice versa, you get bad teammates if your MMR is high. Both to make each team have an equal chance of winning.

How do you find this fair or competitive? It’s just a silly system to boost player retention.

Let bads be bad and goods be good.

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I’m not seeing how it’s any different than SR then. Since it’s based on win-loss it should correspond to your SR. Sounds like it’s more for helping match unranked players.