Can we please try a 2,2,2 arcade mode?

just put it into arcade for a month and then listen to the feedback.

ptr does not have enough people playing it and the balance of the matchmaking is bad on ptr anyway.

No, most of people wanting a role queue/ forced 2/2/2 / whatever shenanigan of the month want is that those things to NOT be an arcade mode, but standart practice. If it was an arcade mode, id be ok and even on your side. I want arcade to test funky things like those, friendly fire, more than 2 cps etc.

And I am sorry, again, you guys need to think about the consequences of this. Yes you will delete goats. But at what cost?

Absolutely not. Keep your enforced roles out of Quick Play. If you crazies want to start enforcing who can play what in the game they paid for, then do it in Competitive.

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everyone listen!!

making a role-q mode in ARCADE IS SUCH HUGE COST…

Again, if people want an arcade mode of this more power to you. Arcade is for the crazy and funky stuff.

Role Queue.

They want whatever shenanigan of the month to be on Qp/ Comp and you know it. Last month it was hero/map ban, before that it was role queue. This month is forced 2/2/2.

no many people want an arcade mode… you are just making things up. literally this topic is asking for an arcade mode and there are many others as well

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Can be interesting, too bad the few developers remained seems inactive, and activision is pushing this game to death, so this thread will never be taken into consideration.

That would require a new content for this game. And judging by the astounding record of no new content in months, I doubt that blizzard would want to break their record just yet. Maybe a few years, when finally a new good fps game shows up and everyone leaves overwatch for good would be the perfect time for them to start adding stuff again.

I absolutely agree with that. The meta was always most healthy when it was 2/2/2.

Trying this out in arcade and if it works moving that to quickplay and Comp would be golden.

I am okay with forced 2/2/2 for arcade mode, but it would be absolutely terrible for competitive. It will cause more harm than good. Much more harm.

People like the idea of forced 2/2/2 because they only care about their hate of Goats and they want to remove it. However they completely ignore all terrible consequences it will cause.
By forcing any format you solve no problem, but create new ones. You remove Goats, but will return Dive-vs-Dive, which is much more terrible, stale and boring, but with even higher level of toxicity than before, because a lot of people will be forced to play roles they don’t want to play and disallowed to play comps they probably want to play.

Goats is a balance problem. And balance problems should be solved only by balancing methods. Goats is a problem not because it is a 3/3 comp and every 3/3 comps is bad. Goats is a problem because it lacks of reliable counters accessible for all levels of play. Pros counter Goats with Goats only because they can play Goats better than average players and that make it the most effective way to counter Goats, while other ways to counter Goats are not very popular on lower level of play (for example, good Mei is VERY strong counter for Goats that can completely ruin it by alone, but average players prefer to whine about how Mei is annoying to play against instead of learning how to play her and use as Goats counter).
So if the only reason you want to enforce 2/2/2 is to remove Goats - this is a very wrong way. Goats problem should be solved with balancing methods, with nerfs and buff or certain old heroes and addition of new ones.

Outside of Goats problem there is another one: your team lacking of certain roles. It is a common problem when you join the game and your team has 5 DPS mains and no one want to play Rein, for example. Yes, it is frustrating. And because of that people want to make a Role Queue.
Role queue will not work. Version of RQ when you choose your role before the game will cause tremendous increase of waiting time, especially for DPS players because MAJORITY of players want to play DPS and only DPS. It will be also problematic to define roles, because on practice there are more than 3 roles: there are not only tanks, but main tanks, dive tanks and off-tanks; there are not only healers, but main- and off-healers; there are not only DPS, but flankers, hitscan, snipers, splash damage, specialists.
RQ in form of matchmaking that tries to build teams based on time players play different roles, trying to fill all roles, is also bad, because it will force players to play one role for eternity. If Tank main will decide to start playing DPS - he will not be allowed, because he always will be connected to team that requires him as a tank. That will force players to buy smurf accounts, which is not healthy practice at all.
But in reality all this problems of badly structured team already solve. If you want to always have good team with all roles filled - go LFG. I am playing only LFG since its release and I never got a bad team that lacks any role. All problems could be solved with minimal amount of communication. You want a better team - build it by yourself, or join already created one. Yes, it takes some more time than just jump into random queue, but you need to understand that competitive - is a serious play and serious play requires more time invested. But if you build good team once you can play with this people for how long you all want with no need to find new one before every match.
But for some reason some people completely ignore LFG. They are wrong. They waste time whining on forums about how they are tired of playing teams with 5 DPS and at the same time they ignore tool that completely solves this problem. Not all people are smart, I guess.

But the main problem OW had from the beginning and has now is Global meta. No matter what, Goats, Dive, Four Tank, 6 DPS or whatever else - there always will be one the most dominant comp which will define meta.
The only real way to solve this problem is to add hero banning system. It will completely ruin global meta and allow players to form local meta in every game. 1 ban per team (2 in total) will allow player to ban one the most frustrating hero all the time, that will show devs clear statistic about problematic heroes, while allowing player to play in more healthy environment without totally OP hero, but the second ban will usually vary, which will create much more diverse meta.
The only small problem (which is not a problem at all in my personal opinion) that Hero Banning could cause is rise of toxicity that comes from one-tricking players. But one-tricking itself is unhealthy for the game that is build around idea of switching and adapting to enemy team. But if forced 2/2/2 may force one-tricks to play roles they don’t want to play, Hero banning could encourage one-tricks to learn to play more heroes of similar role to have spare pick in case of their main pick being banned. That will make the whole game much more healthy.
The only real problem with Hero banning that I see is that it cannot be implemented right now. There is not enough heroes, not all heroes have proper alternatives. For example, McCree one-trick can easily shift to play Ashe or Soldier, while Rein one-trick has no real alternative. Even 1 ban per team with current number of heroes could completely lock entire subroles, which is not healthy.

In conclusion, the only usefull thing that Devs can do is to put more effort into new heroes development, older heroes balancing and reaching bigger number of heroes, probably 40, as fast as possible and than add a hero banning. That will help, while introduction of systems like Role Queue or Forced 2/2/2 will be a waste of time with little benefits and huge harmful consequences.

EDIT: I thought this was talking about multi-team arcade games where there’s multiple teams of two. Now I realize it was just a bad idea to add role enforcement in casual play. Thumbs down
But I stand by my original post to bring some more fun arcade games into the game.

I’d be fine with a 2-2-2 or 2-2-2-2-2-2 or any combo in between without role locks. They don’t make sense in a 2 person team where you would need to be changing to adapt to the other teams.

But I loved these games in Halo and I’d love to see Overwatch adopt some of these in the game. Especially if it could add arcade games that became prevalent on Halo like Zombies, Fat Kid, Duck Hunt, Dodgeball, SWAT, etc…

i really hope this happens

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Thank you. Mee too! At least a reply