Can we please get a sneak peek at the new Hanzo?

The problem with buffing or nerfing widow is that she is an extremely volatile character, a slight buff to her gun would make her massively op, a slight nerf would remove her from the game. She is probably the most balanced she has ever been due to the buff to venom mine and grapple she received not too long ago.

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Fair doo’s but I would like a slight buff to venom mine in the terms of a new icon when placed

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So, Hanzo will have no way to escape from tanks, flankers nor to take them down, right? Even Widowmaker can swing her cable, Ana can sleep enemies, climbing walls doesn’t make sense if you are too far from a wall. Great work. We rarely see him in competitive match, and I don’t see people complain about scatter arrow as much as they complain about Spamrat’s bombs. If you’re gonna take scatter arrow away, please give him an escapement or something else instead. I have some suggestion:

  • Increase his speed and distance/height of jumping for a short period of time when activated (He’s a ninja, what kind of ninja runs that slowly?)
  • Make shields/barriers/armor more vulnerable against his arrows (passive)
  • Melee attack with his bow, but he has to hold it long enough for maximum power, like Doomfist’s punch, or simply swing it like Torbjorn’s hammer
  • Fire an arrow that can go through barriers (of course it must have a cool down)
  • Or just simply increase his arrow’s damage to 200 :grin:

No god plz no nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo

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Um, I don’t understand what you mean by “Hanzo will have no way to escape” considering he didn’t have an escape before and now he is getting one?
He doesn’t need a jump height boost when he can wallclimb and will now have an escape.
Volley does slightly more damage than scatter vs shields.
He doesn’t need a melee attack when he can leap backwards away from a target.
They tested having his arrow fly through barriers and found that it was really unfun to play against.
Increasing his arrow damage to 200 is just stupid…

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Especially when aiming in sniper mode

The last one was a joke, don’t pay much attention on it. If you face Monkey, or Tracer, what can you do with those ones you just mentioned? Ana can sleep them, Widow can swing away. And Hanzo? He can use Scat… No, he doesn’t have anything against them anymore, even a back leap. Normal arrows only do 125 to shields, mate. As a Rein (-125 shield) and Zarya (+25% energy) player, I can notice that.

What’s about Lunge?

It will be coming on PTR and help Hanzo disengage by activate it mid-air to leap horizontally in any direction similar to Genji’s Double Jump (With some CD).

Why he has no escape? You forgot that he are getting new mobility option!?

Also, you seem underestimate the power of Rapid Shot even if we didn’t see it yet. He also getting increasing speed on the projectile.

Whatever you said, Hanzo has to overcome the weakness of being Snipers like Widowmaker: close-range. I think all proposed changes are great enough to make him a better pick than being SCATTARRRR!! He shouldn’t be played for only sole ability.

Overcome the weakness as it is the nature of snipers. I don’t think Hanzo will have much trouble in close-range as much as Widowmaker.


I guess it’s still there.

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Against tracer he presses volley and gets 6 attempts to one shot the tracer, cus volley does 80 damage, 160 on headshots.
Against winston you just run away and you know, cus it’s a team game, you say hey team, there’s a winston alone in our backline, if we kill him we then play 6 vs 5 for an easy teamfight win…
Or you just jump out of the shield, winston can’t shoot you cus he won’t be in range - if he attempts to jump you again, you press volley and do 480 dmg without headshots with volley over 2 seconds then hit him once. He can’t kill you in that many seconds.
Supposedly the leap cooldown is very low, so I’d imagine 6 seconds - guess who has a 6 second leap, winston. Just bait the jump then kite like an archer in any other video game.


People who can’t aim on Hanzo won’t be able to rely on a scatter anymore to pretend they are doing something. Good Hanzo players will become as scary as good widow players. I am hyped.

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Lol it’s not even in the game? For how many months (years?) are we talking about scatter shot?

It’s been likened by Jeff to Genji’s double jump but sideways. That doesn’t exactly sound like it’s got a CD, but probably has negative interactions with drawing his bow. Pragmatically, it could have CD, but with Volley, Sonic and Dragon, Hanzo’s running out of keybindings for it to be a separate activated ability.

Geoff mentioned before that it will have a cooldown unlike Genji’s Double Jump due to afraid of adding too much mobility for Hanzo.

We still not know about interaction between Lunge and attacking. I expect that it wouldn’t hurt him during the ability.

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Is Widow’s ult being looked at in comparison?

Widow’s ult is far superior than Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow.

  • Longer duration (Much longer with reduced duration on Sonic Arrow)
  • Global (Much better compares to reduced radius on Sonic Arrow)

Her ultimate is still better than his. The better part for Hanzo is flexibility and how often he can use Sonic Arrow to secure some tiny area. Be able to use it more often is better than scanning a place for long duration. The nerf gets compensation from the good part which is enough to make Sonic Arrow better without making Widow’s ult looks terrible.

Ikr lol

OMG INSANE HANZO CHANGES LEAK CLICK RIGHT NOW (+7,000,000 red pointy arrows and a top 500 icon)

@JeffKaplan In his new mode for volley arrow, will he necessarily stationary, have the freedom to move about with the normal movement speed reduction while having an arrow loaded, or have the freedom to move as fast as without having an arrow loaded?

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Are you prepared for the immediate backlash this is going to have in relation to Widowmaker’s ultimate? I mean, if Sonic Arrow gets a faster cooldown time, it makes Infra-Sight seem even less significant as an ultimate.


is there a release date yet? I remember him mentioning a while ago but i think I forgot.