Can we please do something about smurfs?

Console Overwatch especially is unplayable with the amount of smurfs the game has. It literally cost them nothing to make a new account and then throw ranked games by frankly not giving a shizzle because it’s a smurf. The amount of hammonds or doomfist smurfs who just threw themself into 1vs6 over and over again are just killing the last bit of fun I try to have.

Smurfs are just killing this game

Kills the game but fills their pocket with money so i don’t think they’ll fix this anytime soon.

There’s no money involved on console. On console, you don’t have to buy a new copy of the game to have a second account. You can just make a new PSN or XBL account and play that. You don’t even have to pay for the online services on that account as long as an account on that same console is subscribed.

This topic comes up a lot and I agree that it’s a problem at mid to low SR levels, but I think that the reality is that nothing can be done about it unless somebody can think of a way to combat it that doesn’t hurt the rest of the player base.

The most common suggestion I see on here is to raise the level requirement to be able to queue for comp. It’s level 25 right now. I think that would be worse for new players, though, than it would be for smurfs. It takes around 12-15 hours to level a new count up to that. I know that because that’s how long it took me on a second account and I knew what I was doing, got tons of gold medals, etc, all of which get you extra xp, and it still took me that long. I don’t think it would be right to keep new players out of what I think is the only “real” Overwatch mode. It’s the most enjoyable one for me by far and I’d hate for new players to lose interest in the game because of the nonsense that is quickplay.

Can you think of anything that would help fight smurfs without hurting new players? I can’t.