Can we nerf overpicked heroes?

GM is the absolute best place to look if a hero is doing poorly because all they play there is characters that are doing good (except onetricks)
And your arguement for “Ignoring the other 99%) doesn’t matter because they should never balance around lower ranks due to the players there not having a good understanding of how the game works.

Yes bastion and sombra do deserve treatment but more like a rework and small buffs


Unless you’re below diamond, the meta is sombra reaper.

No. Because pickrate literally doesnt represent power at all. Best case is genji. He has a trash kit but a good ult synergy with ana.
Quit complaining and git gud please.

Tbh if bastion and sombra become meta, this game is dead. Lmfao

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Leave supports alone. They’re all in a good place, outside of maybe Moira. I’m so tired of the posts about nerfing Ana for the sake of just lowering her pick rate. We have 7 support heroes to choose from. She has the most interesting kit out of all the support characters and requires on more mechanical aim for healing than any.

If you want them to shake up the support meta, give us more heroes to choose from.

Anna is over due a nerf.

She is 1 of the most broken heroes who never not been meta.

Sleep for ult cancel, Nade for inta heal/heal cancel and nano damage reduction and damage buff? Like come on.

Tanks were never left alone why does supports have the right to not be nerfed?

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That could make for an interesting arcade mode. Sliding balance heroes. As heroes get played more, they get a minor relative nerf while slightly buffing others.

I would play it, imagine if low pick rate and high pich rate heroes were on even grounds.

Would reduce toxicity

She wasn’t meta for a long time once they took away the speed from Nano. She only became meta once they added the health boost.

She has zero mobility. Both of those “broken” abilities that you refer to are her only means of defense if she gets flanked. She has to choose what she uses them for. Rarely does a nade get used for both healing and anti at the same time. It’s also the only way she has to heal herself.

Nano really? There are so many ways to shut down a nanoed target. Grav, shields, ice wall, freeze, etc.

Kap, too many gm streams prove that wrong.

They are overpicked because they are overtuned in every way
Funny someone above me even mentions to counter nano with least picked character in the game (who is also least picked for ovbvious reasons - you spent 3x time the effort for half the value compared to ana and genji)

Bastion is not a unique case, he’s ignored and left to rot and no one deserves buffs more than he does.


Buffing him can easily make him OP and oppressive because of the way he is designed. That’s why the best course of action would be a rework so he doesn’t have this limitation


So let’s just nerf heroes that aren’t even OP just because you’re tired of seeing people enjoy them?

yeah no. just because some heroes are fun to play doesnt require nerfing. makes no sense.


The point is to make simple changes, not to rework hero’s that are badly designed

Genji is not overpicked and not very good. You made me actually stop, because I have been busy and only did my 9 wins this week, that there was not some massive meta shift that I missed that made him go from pretty terrible to great. Turns out there was not and he is actually just useless.

You dont have to rework them. Just to have them toned down.

Ana literally has the highest PR right now…

I’ve seen people saying everyone is meta this week.

There are 7 support heroes to choose from.