Can we just talk about Memes? 🥺

All seeing today is X Hero(s) needs buff/ Nerf…

Was sick till this morning but sick of seeing this toxicity.

No wonder the developers don’t visit…


It’d also be nice if people didn’t say that the developers only balance for the top 1% when this is obviously false.

Heck, it’d be nice if people could also not spread misinformation about heroes like “Moira has auto-lock” or whatever.

And lastly, it’d be nice if people could actually remember that the “aim is the only skill” debate is wrong, because half the Overwatch heroes are aim-only in terms of skills, and the other half are either Zarya levels of good design, or have no room at all to improve like Moira.

Edit: I forgot to post a meme. Uhm…I’m already Tracer.

I love rezzing right in front of shielding reinhardts

its the dumbest god damn thing ever

Oh neat I saw that sleeping Zarya one on reddit a few days ago

This is off-topic, but God DAMN I hate those style of videos. The whole point of those videos secretly is just to make the main YouTuber money by tricking people into believing their clips will get them famous, while at the same time stealing clips from twitch streamers to make a quick buck, none of those funny moment videos has any quality in it. And it takes no effort. Please don’t support those videos, the people behind the channel are just using you and only consider you as a dollar sign.



At least some people get what’s needed? :hugs: