Can we just get rid of Symmetra's turrets?

Yeah no thanks. Blizzard’s already proven that them changing abilities has been a disaster.


The second rework she got and she’s in a worse spot than before, pickrate and winrate wise.

Yeahhhh, i don’t think we should trust Blizzard anymore when it comes down to reworks. We shouldn’t nerf an F tier character.


Oh you care about fun? Have you tried playing Mercy for more than 2 matches? Cuz mercy right now is broken and boring. If you care about fun than you’d call out for mass Res to come back, yet I don’t see that happening

Mercy rework - failure.
Symm SECOND (I think her first one put her in a pretty good place but NOPE) rework - not exactly a failure but not a success.
Hanzo rework - fail. Many players prefer scatter than Spamzo.
Sombra rework - all the sombra players hate it, failure.
Roadhog rework - tbh is kinda good. Only rework that was done properly. rework - made her the most BS tank to play against.


its a disaster BECAUSE they changed it.
Symmetra being able to throw them is even worse.

How about fixing her primary which is the only thing holding her back and leaving what is working alone?

How about fixinfbher bug where teleporter is destroyed if placed near destructible terrain (railings)?

How about slightly increasing her teleporter cast time and the interact radius so it is easier to use?

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Symmetra’s turrets is like Mercy with resurrection. It’s literally part of her character and isn’t going anywhere/

I haven’t played Mercy in a while, long before her rework.
But while Mercy not being fun to play is an issue - you can just not PLAY her.
but Symmetra’s turrets are not fun to play AGAINST.

Comms really help with Sym turrets. Also stress that since the changes, with the exception of Brig, it is now the DPS’s responsibility to destroy them because they have too much health. It now takes Winston, D.Va, Mei (freeze), Moira a full two seconds to destroy them. Brig and Zen can destroy them, but it’s a waste of Zen’s time.

This has saved me comp games where I was playing Winston and my team was like “why aren’t you killing turrets??? you counter Sym?? REEE?!?!” Once the DPS stepped up, the turrets were a non-issue.

I’d trade turrets for proper gun TBH.

This is even MORE moronic.
I don’t WANT to need the DPS to deal with them if she’s also able to THROW them.
If she had to place them it would be one thing - but having her be able to throw them to wherever she wants means that ANY character should be able to deal with them.

It’s not like I cannot play her. She is the hero I love the most and I WANT to play. Symmetra is rarely picked tbh. And her turrets are so easily F-ed by any cleave/explosion type dmg. If you are a moira, widow hanzo etc too bad for u

Everyone forgets about Bastion these days :frowning:
His rework wasn’t exactly good either.

No her turrets are strategic and area denial, also ‘throwing across the map’ YOU CAN SHOOT THEM MID AIR. God you guys always complain about non-issues. Oh I see, you play tracer. Switch.

I think it put him in a pretty good position. Strong dmg output, can be countered by TEAMWORK AND COMMUNICATION, but punishes unorganized teams. And I think is pretty good vs dive meta/tanks which is gonna come in comp soon due to Mercy heal nerf bringing triple tank+triple support meta

I know I cut the damage part but they already have Sombra and that’s supposed to be what she is, and she’s the worst hero on the roster.

I still don’t like how they took away his headshot damage from sentry form.
He’s stronger in his recon form than before, but you’re better off playing Soldier if you want to utilize recon form.

The best change that did benefit Bastion since release is the Pulse bomb nerf.
His rework made recon mode stronger and sentry mode weaker.
You really dont want to play Bastion for recon mode.

They took away headshot damage and added massive spread to sentry mode.
Granted, he has a 20% damage reduction in sentry mode now. But the trade off wasn’t worth it in my opinion.

Holy hell man, sorry but I’m glad they took away the headshot from sentry. It was crazily op being able to spam 200 bullet with HIGH (insanely high) DPS and being able to critical…

…No? At least not Winston. They have 30 health, Winston does 60 DPS.

I thought you smelt burnt. Has someone been in the Microwave too long? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ve timed it. Maybe it’s a bug, but it definitely takes two seconds.