Can we have mercy's ultimate back?

I’d be totally fine with the removal of her unlimited ammo in favor of buffing another part of her kit while in Valk. Like a 5 second reduction to rezz while Valk is active, down to 25 seconds(while valk is active). Or. OR better yet, increased healing per second.

Or something. Mercy rarely uses her pistol, with good reason too. Lore-wise, she hates violence, gameplay-wise. Its nigh useless vs heavier DPS heroes like Soldier, Reaper, Tracer or doomfist for example.

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Can I get a uhhhh… HEROES NEVER DIE
:b:lease and thanks

Mercy mains wanted an E ability, so Blizzard took away their ult for the E and replaced it with nothing


And now all we do is press F.
To pay respects.

Or how about just let people use Valk the way they want to use it.

I think people forget that Mercy was an F tier healer when she had rez as an ultimate… Until blizzard started screwing with her for literally zero reason.

