Can we have an official male gay character

Lmfao you kidding? I cant count on my hands how many people demand the next hero to be male. Every single arguement is "All the heroes released has been female, whens the next male character.,


Have you read any of what I’ve said, it has nothing to do with being gay or straight, or bi or trans, it has to do with why you even need to bring it up in the first place.

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:thinking: if i had to guess its either reaper or hanzo, but they are slightly hinting a ship with sym in the new interactions so that leaves reaper only
however pretty sure he has a family so this might as well all be bait to completely throw us off

mccree is good for fanon ships but canon wise hes straight as symmetras new beam

Why are you against people bringing it up?

What are you talking about? I literally just looked at the forum page, scrolled down about a weeks worth of threads and found ONE thread about someone wanting hero 29 to be male. Meanwhile I saw about 12 threads about people wanting an LGBT character.


I literally explained why in the first comment I made. Learn to read and stop trying to virtue signal.

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This is an ignorant statement. There are plenty of gay characters in media who, in my opinion, are a detriment to the image and representation of the LGBT community. Please do your homework before you speak on such matters. Thanks!

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i’d rather not

Pretty much.

Want to know how to make gender identity the norm? Stop talking about it. Stop making an issue out of it. Start accepting and judging people off the content of their character and stop defining them by what sexual orientation they are.

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What the heck are you even talking about?

Lol so just never bring up being gay ever, gotcha

Example my point: You don’t know what is being discussed.

Omg, u got no chill Lmfaoooooo!:joy:

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Does this mean I bought my Genji body pillow for nothing? :frowning:

Hahah that’s literally exactly what these people are doing right now. It’s insane.

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OP is trolling, he is not really supporting diversity.

Except its not. Op asked for a new gay hero. Little man over there argues that we dont need any and I say having a gay character wouldnt hurt. You guys have your heads shoved so far up your a$$ that you dont want to admit youre homophobic. Why do you guys even care if someone says it would be nice to have an lgbt hero. Its not like anyone is saying “Give me a raging homosexual who only talks about sucking dick!”


Haha I figured. Regardless, video games is a stupid platform to have this conversation on. I mean, if the biggest issue you have in life is the orientation of a video game character, you don’t have many problems.

tbh it’s still a much larger possibility than anybody else

everyone seems to forget his background, before he was left for dead by Hanzo he was basically a partier/playboy so for all we know he could be anything on the spectrum.

really the only hero with an actual confirmed sexuality is Tracer. There is Ana, Torbjorn, and Widowmaker with semi-confirmed sexualities. Those three are at least Straight considering they all are or have been married or have been with the opposite sex.

everything else is a game of ‘guess who’ tbh

LOL I literally said who gives AF about what orientation they have, that includes STRAIGHT by the way, because it has no relevance.

I’m bisexual btw, maybe don’t assume it’s straight white males commenting on here, because you know, that might be ignorant of you to do such a thing. But hey, play the victim as much as you like, see how far it gets you.