Can we have an official male gay character

OP is trolling, he is not really supporting diversity.

Except its not. Op asked for a new gay hero. Little man over there argues that we dont need any and I say having a gay character wouldnt hurt. You guys have your heads shoved so far up your a$$ that you dont want to admit youre homophobic. Why do you guys even care if someone says it would be nice to have an lgbt hero. Its not like anyone is saying “Give me a raging homosexual who only talks about sucking dick!”


Haha I figured. Regardless, video games is a stupid platform to have this conversation on. I mean, if the biggest issue you have in life is the orientation of a video game character, you don’t have many problems.

tbh it’s still a much larger possibility than anybody else

everyone seems to forget his background, before he was left for dead by Hanzo he was basically a partier/playboy so for all we know he could be anything on the spectrum.

really the only hero with an actual confirmed sexuality is Tracer. There is Ana, Torbjorn, and Widowmaker with semi-confirmed sexualities. Those three are at least Straight considering they all are or have been married or have been with the opposite sex.

everything else is a game of ‘guess who’ tbh

LOL I literally said who gives AF about what orientation they have, that includes STRAIGHT by the way, because it has no relevance.

I’m bisexual btw, maybe don’t assume it’s straight white males commenting on here, because you know, that might be ignorant of you to do such a thing. But hey, play the victim as much as you like, see how far it gets you.

I’m gay and absolutely not homophobic. My qualms with demanding representation or “another gay male”! is because I don’t want to be misrepresented.

Before you try to spin your SJW rhetoric at people and accuse them of homophobia, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. You don’t know what you’re talking about!!!

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How dare you say that. Why would I bring this up if I’m trolling?

This “request” and the black woman heroe, are really annoying. If blizzard is planning to release a gay or black woman, the time will come. There’s no need to post both threads over and over again.

Did I ever mention straight or white or did you draw that comparison yourself? If youre really bi then why does it bother you if someone says “hey I think itd be cool” You dont like seeing bisexual characters? I dont see the problem with politely asking for representation as long as theyre not harrassing/ threatening the creators.

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I love you Merlin, so sick of ignorant uneducated people like this who spin out other peoples views into something they’re not, then try to take the moral high ground. People like this are the reason there’s so much discrimination in the world without even realising it.

Look how many times they tried to spin this convo to their own agenda. Rookie.

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You guys don’t understand. It’s 2018 and this game is supposedly set i 2050+ so obviously there SHOULD be more gay characters that aren’t just the ditzy time traveling British girl.

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Because there’s nothing wrong with trans and gay males. Honestly a trans male who is also gay would be nice to have

The worst part of it all is you have someone’s child presenting feeling as fact and not doing their research or really understanding what it is they are rallying for. Like, gtfo the forums and use Google for once. Good grief.

Maybe as an actual adult who reads I have a different viewpoint, but it isn’t as simple as just asking for representation when you don’t really know what you’re asking for. As the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for”. Heaven forbid you don’t conform to the hivemind and say “Yes, yes, yes!” to every demand for representation.

As an aside, I’m done directly responding to that person because they clearly aren’t equipped to debate a damn thing and it would be unfair to go any further. I suggest you do the same.

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You dont know what youre talking about. And pray tell, what exactly is so wrong with saying “itd be cool to see a gay character” as long as no one is harrasing the creators, honestly. Why are you so against that. Why are you against ths lgbt community saying “I think this would be nice to see.” If youre gay then why dont you want to see gay characters? You only want straight characters huh?

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Couple of days ago, HiRez confirmed that Fernando, the tank in Paladins, is gay and Guess what? Paladins community was chill, nobody flooded the forums with lots of more lgbt champions. But this community, my god, it’s a headache.

Lol “research” as if asking for an lgbt hero requires studying all night. For what exactly? Im a fcking 23 year old lesbian. please, tell me why I need to research being gay when I am.

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Haha pretty much.

Look at this person. Still trying to spin it out like we’re against the LGBT community, WHEN WE ARE PART OF THAT COMMUNITY, when we specifically mentioned STRAIGHT people in the comments too, saying we don’t need to know about their orientation either. They can’t acknowledge that fact though because then their whole argument falls apart.

But yea I’m going to stop replying to them. Obviously uneducated, obviously virtue signalling, obviously ignorant.

Good talking to you though!

…maybe we already do but he or they haven’t come out of the closet yet :thinking:

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After their last response it’s crystal clear that they are trolling. There is no debate or discussion to be had with someone who doesn’t even know their own history.

Edit: And now they want us to do their homework for them! The plot thickens! Spoiler alert: I am not google. Bye!

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So youre not going to give me this big history lesson you supposedly know huh?

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