Can we get an Off Topic board

It seems that everything has to be overwatch related here, and if we as a community want to talk about anything else, we get suspended.

I can’t even make a joke here, without me getting suspended for a day. It’s make my participation on the forums unenjoyable.

If we had an off topic board, people from this community could talk about various topics without getting oversaturated. I feel many people want to share their stories with others of this community, and it would really help us asa whole


We at least need a lore section.

Why would you use the OVERWATCH forums for discussing things other than overwatch lmao what

Other game forums do it.


But why? What’s the point?

I thought we already have one

If we’re going to p po st off topic junk in here, and we will, then we might as well get quarantined to a part of the forums.

Just don’t post off topic posts then???


Unfortunate for you

I make as many jokes as I want and I’ve not been suspended ever

We definitely need a Mercy dumpster fire section at the least.

Literally every other forums have it. Also I’ve explained why, because i know someone would ask sucha question. It shows you haven’t read it. So read it before commenting and being rude

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This forum is seriously lacking compared to others.

Why joke here then? If it’s overwatch related sure, cool, but if it isn’t, who cares?
This place is to discuss overwatch related things. And if other forums have the off topic board then just use the other forums 4head

Of course you aren’t allowed to create off-topic posts, it’s a game formum not Reddit.