Can we get a non MMR based version of competitive?

Oh boy, another thread asking for the matchmaker to work how it already works. Y’all should read anything about how MMR/Elo functions. You are asking for an MMR system, which is what Overwatch already uses.

You can only gain MMR on a win, and only lose it on a loss. Winning/losing moves your MMR up/down. You are matched with people who have the same MMR (or as close as possible, obviously the system can’t guarantee 11 people queue up at the same time as you with the same MMR).

The idea that “good” players are given bad teammates to hold them down is an obviously ridiculous conspiracy theory on a similar level as “the earth is flat”. It’s just kids with hurt egos who need something to blame when it turns out they aren’t actually good at the game.

There’s no need to balance games with “secretly pro” players who are stuck in low ranks. If the system knew they should be a higher rank, it would just put them at that rank. That’s the entire point of your MMR. It’s a number which is the system’s best guess for your skill. I know this ruins the fantasy that the system secretly knows how good you REALLY are, but there is not a second MMR that is somehow more accurate than your normal MMR and used to counter-balance matches with players at your normal MMR.

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Or maybe… just maybe you aren’t as great as you think you are, fixate on teammates’ flaws not your own, and are where you belong as you maintain a rank where you win/lose roughly equally assuming SR gains/losses are equal? Which of these seems more probable?

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I can often predict when I am going to lose because the que time (solo) goes from around 10-20 seconds max to 2-3 minutes. Lol… Now I am not blaming my team mates, but I notice I’ll win 3-4 in a row, all golds, play well… then the 5 or 6th game I search for, que time goes up to like 2-3-4-5 minutes, the other team has a stable team comp, mine then has 5 dps.

YES! That’s why you find the garbage ones in higher level using bbm! You just discovered the warm water!