Can we get a non MMR based version of competitive?

Actually, the more games you plaay, the more you would even out. Also, if your team is more skilled, you would hit an average. What we have now is MMR rigging the match to make sure you would stay down.


MMR makes it harder for Smurfs to stay in low rank. If you remove that you make it easier for them to manipulate the system to stay in a certain rank and ruin the game for lower elos.


Just because you don’t understand it, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense or it’s unfair, People who have implemented this system have PhDs in maths and computer science, what do you have ?


“Why is there a system to basically guarantee an unskilled player will be placed on a team to even out a skilled players WR?”

What exactly is an unskilled player? What is a skilled player?

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expect no changes to comp for awhile.
i’m basing this on Jeff’s latest post.
He literally said not to expect the new game modes.
Testing the hero ban? HMmmmm?
Testing the something? Hmmmm?

Source? (twenty chars)

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If that’s how it worked I wouldn’t be posting about it. Review the highly upvoted post " Why MMR is bad for competitive play "

If this wasn’t happening I wouldn’t have made a post about it. Review highly upvoted post " Why MMR is bad for competitive play" There’s no need for me to re-hash everything in the essay already written about it.

I have no agenda to increase my company’s revenue with a MMR system that encourages buying additional copies of the game to zero out the placement system algorithm.

Skilled player - Someone with expierence, fast reflexes, and good game sense.
Unskilled player - Someone without the above mentioned.

If the q up happened naturally it would be acceptable but the “hidden MMR” system artificially creates a 50% win/lose scenario. The fact that they have admitted that completely contradicts the idea that " you are where you are supposed to be." How can you be when the outcome is already being predicted by " people with PhDs in computer science? eye roll The truth is you are where Blizzard wants you to be.

A skilled player is someone with relatively good mechanical skills but also a lot of gamesense and ow knowledge, this kind of player is flexible, versatile so he’s good in every role and with a lot of heroes (including hard ones), this means he got the potential to impact a game in almost every situation.
An unskilled player is someone with relatively low mechanical skills, a base gamesense and ow knowledge that plays Mercy, Moira or Brigitte and says “trash team” when there is no tank/dps carrying them and usually cry about strongest dps in the current patches because they hate dying from heroes they will never and ever able to play.

Isn’t it more likely that the game is already like you describe?

I mean after all, the people complaining about being trapped in their rank are complaining about losses. Isn’t it possible you’re just a loser playing with other losers but just don’t realize it?

Isn’t it possible that this isn’t the case, and you’re just trying to make MMR out to be some evil oppressive algorithm to justify your shortcomings?

Because it seems to me that it is most likely MMR is just a slightly more precise version of SR, and so they display SR to be easier on the eyes.


If you’re referring to Cuthbert’s thread, his entire essay revolves SOLELY upon an intentional misrepresentation of a developer quote that he uses as evidence that “good” players are balanced out with “bad” players as a form of handicapping matches. Considering the toxic nature of this forum where so many players claim to be better than their rank but can’t climb solely due to bad teammates, it’s natural that his thread would be upvoted a lot, but that doesn’t make it correct. I’ve even debunked his evidence in his own thread, but alas he’ll just pretend that it doesn’t exist.

Anyways, you should go ahead and read Kaawumba’s topic on Competitive Play and Matchmaking, it extensively references developer posts on what’s going on: How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 13)

That being said, there are still a lot of people on this forum that flat out say that the developers are lying and that Blizzard is rigging games to prevent them from climbing/handicapping games to keep them down/etc. If you’re thinking like one of them, then no one here or at Blizzard can or wants to help you, and you should probably play a different game that isn’t so team-reliant.


We don’t need a source. Players figured it out, by observing the blatantly obvious rigged matchmaking.

They still throw games no matter what.

Actually, yes, you of all players need a source, because your posting history between your two or more accounts suggests that you’re not in the right mind to evaluate the matchmaker.

You’re like the following two players that tried to even prove on video that matchmaking does what you claim it does, and then it’s easily seen that it’s not their teammates, it’s the player that’s tilting hard and allows himself to be a bad teammate:

Also from Scott Mercer: Overwatch Forums

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Each seasons, i have more wins than losses but in the end i’m always 300-400 sr lower than my season starting score. i don’t stop to improve but it’s useless… the more you play, the more you go down.

I’m guessing you’re in Plat or below?

If you are, then your SR gains and losses are influenced by your performance. If you’re ending a season 300-400 SR lower, even with more wins than losses, then it’s likely that your MMR is lower than your SR. Your actual skill rating is lower than your displayed SR would imply.

I don’t know what your playstyle actually looks like, but I’d be willing to bet that you probably flex too much on to heroes you’re not as good on. This is a very common reason for people gaining slowly, or losing much more than they gain per game. If you do over flex, try changing that up and focusing on 1-2 heroes per role, and getting proficient on them. Then you can flex comfortably, and your SR will feel more accurate.

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skilled and unskilled are completely relative. i’d be a god in bronze but hot garbage in gm.

Oh boy, another thread asking for the matchmaker to work how it already works. Y’all should read anything about how MMR/Elo functions. You are asking for an MMR system, which is what Overwatch already uses.

You can only gain MMR on a win, and only lose it on a loss. Winning/losing moves your MMR up/down. You are matched with people who have the same MMR (or as close as possible, obviously the system can’t guarantee 11 people queue up at the same time as you with the same MMR).

The idea that “good” players are given bad teammates to hold them down is an obviously ridiculous conspiracy theory on a similar level as “the earth is flat”. It’s just kids with hurt egos who need something to blame when it turns out they aren’t actually good at the game.

There’s no need to balance games with “secretly pro” players who are stuck in low ranks. If the system knew they should be a higher rank, it would just put them at that rank. That’s the entire point of your MMR. It’s a number which is the system’s best guess for your skill. I know this ruins the fantasy that the system secretly knows how good you REALLY are, but there is not a second MMR that is somehow more accurate than your normal MMR and used to counter-balance matches with players at your normal MMR.

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Or maybe… just maybe you aren’t as great as you think you are, fixate on teammates’ flaws not your own, and are where you belong as you maintain a rank where you win/lose roughly equally assuming SR gains/losses are equal? Which of these seems more probable?

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I can often predict when I am going to lose because the que time (solo) goes from around 10-20 seconds max to 2-3 minutes. Lol… Now I am not blaming my team mates, but I notice I’ll win 3-4 in a row, all golds, play well… then the 5 or 6th game I search for, que time goes up to like 2-3-4-5 minutes, the other team has a stable team comp, mine then has 5 dps.

YES! That’s why you find the garbage ones in higher level using bbm! You just discovered the warm water!