Can we get a fix on top 500 3+ stacking on East Coast, its actually broken

East Coast has seen a surge of 3+ stacking nearing the end of the season to gain SR. I cant post pictures here but there was a game where they had a 4 stack (ranks 10-50ish) vs all solos , we were also matched with a masters player and they got a top 500. This was just one of many that happened tonight, most of them were 200 SR difference, and you still lose the same amount of SR. Just hoping a Blizzard employee will see this and consider doing something like stopping stacks at gm+ or fixing the amount of SR gained and lost in these scenarios. idk


You are complaining that people group up, in a game which originally was designed to ONLY allow 6 stacks.
In a game where the developer has openly said many times “we encourage grouping, thats how we intended it to be played”.

Why do you really think they would “fix” this, when it’s not broken.

You have the exact same ability as them, they have no unfair advantage over you.
Group up, or stop complaining.

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stacking is fine, but the ranking system at top 500 is messed up with stacking. When their team is 200sr above solo queue players and the solo queue players lose as much sr as normal games, it isnt fair. If they get matched into other players stacking then it wouldnt be an issue


I always found that grouping after GM as an easy way to abuse SR gains, they haven’t fixed the problem completely but have made some changes to slow the abuse. It’s just a smaller scale of what the Brazilian were doing to abuse the SR system to stay in T500 as a team.

I think it should be solo queue after GM, this way you can honestly prove how good you are for T500.

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At that SR they should just force them to wait for nearly perfectly equal matches. If there’s a 3 stack of t500s, they should have to wait for the game to find another 3 stack of t500s close to them and then fill in the other 3 on each side with generic masters and grandmasters.

If they want to stack, let them have fair games even if it means an hour queue.


Or could they not just adjust the amount of SR gained and lost better?

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Actually this kind of thing is good. Its a team game where people mainly solo q, by putting solos with stacks it teaches the importance of team play and shows that you to should be stacking. This sort of thing should just encourage you to stack after all it is a team game.


The fix is for you to start stacking. Once you are in top 500 territory, it is just expected that you will do what it takes to win, and the developers intentionally balanced the game to encourage stacking: Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch. That is how the game is meant to be played, and it is more fun that way.

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Yea I agree its more fun to stack and is a better overall experience, but that would mean everyone would have to start stacking in GM for balanced games. And even then if I were to stack with my team, which we have before, we still get soloqueue players, which isnt fun for them because its just a stomp. And for me when I soloqueue past 4500 I start getting those imbalanced stacking games. IDK gm is weird right now.

What you say does make sense in theory, but it goes against the essence of what T500 is supposed to be. There is a huge difference between solo queueing and stacking. A 6 stack of 3500 players could easily beat a team of 6 solo players that are all 4000. This is almost away the case at every rank, but it’s worst at T500 because the skill gap between 4K and 4.5k (solo) queue is like Bronze to Diamond.

Team queue can be easily abused for SR gain and is not a great indicator of skill relative to the SR system. You can’t mix solo and team queue and say well based on the data averages that we should balance the game like so for T500 players. T500 players aren’t your average gold player, just like you wouldn’t put a Bronze player in a Diamond game and hope that balances everything out for a Gold game.

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except que stacking is an issue in high elo. sorry you’re plat and do know this.

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Is it still a thing to disband the group in order to fool the system into thinking that you’re 6 solos vs 6 solos? Used to be a thing to gain more sr while losing less. However, yeah, t500 stacking is honestly bullsht, considering that at night or early in the moring t500 have such an increased chance to be matched with mid masters.

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No, they removed that awhile ago. You can still leave group but don’t receive a benefit from it.

Solo and group comp should be separated.


It should be, but the player base isn’t that big to support it for every rank because you’re divided based on regions. Also you’ll have it so people will only play solo queue, and the reason most people stay is because of friends, so it doesn’t work well for longevity.

And how many people quitted competitive when they realized that they are playing dice rolls with who gets how many stacks of whom on top of other things?

Not to mention competitive supposed to be about actually competing on equal terms. Playing 2+2+1+1 vs 4+2 is nowhere close to an equal terms.

I agree with you, I’m just stating the catch 22 that Blizzard is in. I wish there was only solo queue because that’s what I’ve done in every ranked game I’ve played. At the same time I realize how fun it is to play with friends, and it is a reason as to why even I would play a game I don’t like.

This needs to be fixed ASAP, I dont want to play against 4 stack with 6 randoms, no matter how long the 4 stack waited, even if it was 5h game shouldnt ever create games like that and it happens damn often.

Of course grouping is fine but matchmaking handeling groups is far from fine. Hopefully adjustments will come for S12