Can we get a dev Q&A for the official forums?

How do you know that kind of post would gain you karma? I thought the vast majority of people from reddit are Genji mains who believe their hero is worse after the 2 reverts but think that Brigitte’s inspire and health packs are op

Social trends.

The community KILLED REAPER PURPOSELY, and it POLICY prevents ANY positive change for this character. As with Mei.

No matter how low he goes down there is a magic phrase namehero is fine and namehero have niche. And dislike+report:)

If you look closely, you can see that social trends, although very often refer to GM and OWL, but in fact, most of them come from diamonds or the ranks below (especially a lot of whiners from bronze)

This can be clearly seen in the fact that when the Genji OP in GM everyone yells about it, but when Bastion is bad in GM, you are met with a wave of silence.

Moira op in bronze? 99999 whines.

That’s true. Personally I like to discuss topics whether I agree or disagree with them, but if other people have already said everything that needed to be said, then I just drop a few likes and leave. For example on that thread discussing the poor wages of Blizzard employees - There were so many replies to the initial post that anything I thought was already written. So knowing I couldn’t contribute anything of value, I just didn’t. Although I have to say, I find it way easier to find many different opinions on the forums compared to Reddit, and people are generally a little more accepting of different points of view. At least from my experience, but of course there are outliers.

I was gone from the forums for about a month, and I must say…there’s worse discussion than there used to be. Maybe I’ve just changed as my circumstances certainly did over that month, but I don’t think so. A lot of the people I used to see and speak with are no longer active, and have been replaced by people with under 100 posts whose favourite topic is “Genji v. Supports”…That’s not particularly enlightening for me, I must say.

That’s very true, too. Reddit is definitely made up of the more competitive players whose main motivation to posting is balance discussions. But yes, a lot of them are also pretty dense…I have had very minimal experience on Overwatch Reddit, but I can’t imagine it’s too different to every other subreddit on the site. IE, the reason I don’t use Reddit anymore because you can’t say anything that might contradict the accepted stance on whichever topic the subreddit is about, lest you get downvoted to hell. Usually people use the downvote button as an “I disagree” button, and I feel like that in itself actually discourages people to discuss their thoughts as well.

Naww :v: :blush: Likewise - This is probably one of the best little discussions I’ve had since coming back!

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idk what are you talking but I was deprived of the right to vote for proposing my ideas for testing in a special mode for testing.

yeah reddit soooo good. For echo chamber

The main problem for echo chambers is the inability to silence a person at the push of a button.

They suffer greatly from this. They need dislike. Luckily there is a report button for them.

Yeah, I’ve seen the videos, larger platformed have all voiced my concerns so I feel like I’m spoken for entirely, so I get that.

True, that is what I meant about more often having proper balance concerns at the top, it’s basically a good “filter” if you get what I mean. Sometimes I get annoyed reading things that genuinely make no sense and would be horrible if it were ever changed, and the forums just gives you whats new, not whats good, and I don’t always have the energy to sift it myself.

Seems more firefighty yeah… it’s almost like every reply has an air of contempt here if that’s what you’re getting at.

I hope it’s only a good change :slight_smile:

True enough, I’ve never much liked the tribal lines either, or the fact that if you propose anything against their agendas they’ll claim you’re carrying water for X tribe and of being an X tribe hater… it is really painful, AND I MISS JELLYandJAAM. :c

Oh yeah, it’s not that much different. It’s just like the forums but with a more balanced diet of visible good ideas as opposed to invisible good ideas buried under tribal attack threads that take it WAY TOO FAR and that’s what this forum seems interested in more oft than not.

as with everything I guess it’s a double edged sword, for whom it might discourage that is terrible, but it also encourages learning until you are sure and you learn ways to get the point across in a way that makes people think about it critically to try and find fault. It’s strangely effective and inneffective all at once :smiley:

Well, lemme just spill for a minute and leave you happy - I was warming up in QP on Rein since I’d just woken up. YOU WERE MY ZARYA. This was in the past month or two, I didn’t say I knew you from the forums but I DID, and you were amazing, you kept bubbles to clear antis on me, my shield broke and you blocked the whole shatter with a bubble, you were charging your ults like crazy, easiest defense of my life, and not because the enemy was bad, but, you carried me which is strange, usually when I go to QP for a warmup the only person I can rely on is me - and if you got fervently thanked by a Reinhardt you may know my actual tag c: But is a secret still :wink:

That day you earned my respect, you’re actually a huge brain.

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“What’s new, not what’s good” - That’s actually pretty well said. I’m not the most active in balance discussions anyway, which is probably a contributor to be preference for the forums over Reddit. …Well, ignoring the fact that I no longer use Reddit, that is…

A little bit, yeah. So many people are really defensive and it’s just draining. I’m a pretty blunt person, but I’d like to think people can distinguish bluntness from defensiveness.

Oh it’s great, actually! :+1: :blush: Moved into a lovely house, got a job…Things are good at the moment.

Oh I remember JellyAndJam…I’ve gotten used to them disappearing for a while then reappearing for about a day, so I must admit I haven’t noticed their absence lol. It’s hard to discuss anything with people when they just want to label you as either a friend in agreement, or a foe.

That’s accurate. The worst threads I see on the forums are posts such as “TO ALL X MAINS!” and it’s just some rude wall of text describing one person from one game and equating that one person to all X mains.

I suppose it depends on who finds your post/comment most of the time.

Haha I won’t lie, I don’t even remember the last time I played Zarya well:v: :yum: Are you sure it was me? I’m on the AUS server so if you are as well, then it was most definitely me as I have yet to see another Berkut, but if you’re on another server then I’m afraid that was someone else…If that was me, though, then maybe I need to play more Zarya!

I really hope that was me now… :+1: :wink:

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Up/down vote system is self-policing and it bubbles the best questions to the top. These forums don’t have that, all they have is the feel-good like.

A few problems:

  • Format
  • Audiences
  • A general sense of competency

No seriously, the forum has a REALLY bad format for Q&A. We have no downvotes to remove questions that WILL be asked to death here.

Like how can someone ask anything else when the moment a Q&A dev threads spawn on the forum it is gonna be buried by a billion Symmetra questions? And knowing how those drama queens react, if any devs were to answer to anything that isn’t THEIR Symmetra thread, they are gonna ***** about it.

There aren’t any active mods around that police that kind of thing too. Hell, the closet thing we have to deal with it is the flag. But there will so much Symmetra questions that it would be futile.

Also audiences. The forum audiences are either going to be Supports/Tanks or Symmetra, and both parties are equally salty. So good luck getting through their skulls.

They do this by not ever coming here, ever.

It was, and yes, I hail from OCE too :slight_smile:

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Oh wow, that’s awesome. You should send me a friend request… :point_up: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: