Can we discuss Hanzos immensely huge aimbox

Just from watching replays of Hanzo killing me over the years, I’ve noticed “headshots” hitting that are clearly not headshots. It seems rediculously large to me for reasons I know not


Go in the training area and see that you are wrong.

On replays though, like killcams, it might look different than it actually happend.


Smallest projectile in the game not small enough for you?


Will this ever stop?

Hitboxes in overwatch - hitscan, projectiles AND even the hero models, are quite large.

Also your killcam is not a reliable way to measure as it looks different as how it actually happened due to lag, ping, favour the shooter etc

Its not just a Hanzo issue.


Hey I was gonna link that!

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Run for the hills! Any suggestion that Hanzo has a barn sized hit box are met with the same tried and true video of hitboxes and Jeff’s post.

By small hes talking on a scale like: compared to Godzilla, a T-rex was small.

Snipers in OW have it made: Big hitboxes, nothing detrimental like wobble, no fall off damage of any kind, etc. You can literally soar through the air, aim at an enemy’s general area and one shot them across the map or right next to them.


So you want to hear what you want to hear rather than something that’s accurate? Not to mention kill cams aren’t 1:1 of what happened. What you see isn’t what your enemy sees.


Like always with the Overwatch forums, if you keep repeating it enough in posts, it has to be true.


I agree with your first two paragraphs buts not pretend that hitscan don’t have a pretty big setback. The lack of character acceleration in this game makes prediction a huge part of aiming.

Ana’s offensive hitbox is smaller. But you’re right, Hanzo’s arrows aren’t nearly as big as people make them out to be.

Stats tho; imagine hanzo with a smaller hitbox? Then no one would be winning with him at all.

Also; if you attempt to make judegments on balance by quick play/arcade experience or by enemy kill cam- you don’t know what you’re talking about. Try play the character in comp for a few hours then at least you have some ground to stand on.

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I can shoot above someone’s head and get a headshot in the training room as basically any character

at least last time I checked

It’s actually the opposite.

Hanzo’s arrow hitbox is one of the smallest in the game. It’s the player model hitboxes that are too big.

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Hanzos aim hitbox may only seem big because the arrow curves down over time much like Torbs primary fire.

Also Widow has the smallest bullet in the game

But Widow’s bullets are hitscan, not projectile.

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I know, that was a reply to him saying that snipers have big hitboxes, which they don’t

hitscan = projectile with 0 travel time

No idea what you want to tell me or us with that.

Exactly what was said. Maybe reread it because it is completely applicable to what is being said

Well read it several times and still don’t get what you want to tell me with that in respect of my post you cited.