Can we bring back our level borders

I don’t really have anything for or against it, myself. It’s just so negligible, I dunno why anyone noticed or cared. :thinking: Not to say you can’t. It’s just really negligible. :neutral_face:

I think you probably don’t understand the line of thought of these people, to them video games is their entire life, and spending thousands of hours gaming is an “achievement” that should be recognized, because they have so little worthy of recognition elsewhere in their lives.

If it’s negligible, again why bother putting an effort into removing something that is already implemented

Aaaaand again, why bother worrying about it? :neutral_face: Aaaaaaaaand again, there’s nothing for or against it.

It’s barely a “cup half empty” kind of thing, but the cup is so small that it barely exists.

I’m not saying “hey, it’s a good thing they took it out.” It’s more like, “oh, well, when they cleaned off the table and weren’t paying attention to one crumb that fell off the side, isn’t nothing to freak out about.” :thinking:

Other games have player levels.

Why should Overwatch not have them?

You already posted this comment verbatim, and I already responded to it.

Go play those other games then if you care about it so much.

yeah because they are removed?

Yeah let me go play on my ow 1 accounts I paid for.


Yeah. It was always good entertainment watching the bronze border guy with 10k hours in CSGO trying to mock the gold border overwatch player.

Weird ad hominem. Overwatch is not a Steam game so I’m not sure how you’re surmising CS:GO playtime; you have no idea how much time an Overwatch player has spent on other games unless they reveal that information.

Seems like a weird way to justify your own video game addiction as an “well everyone else is doing it too even those who claim they aren’t” but whatever works for you bro.

Its always those players that are triggered by other players in Gold.

Because they think they deserve to be higher after their 20k hours in aim trainers and super scout master rank after 10k hours of CSGO.

In OW1 I trash talked people for having fancy borders all the time if they got snarky with me. I don’t have 10k hours in CS:GO, not even 400 hours.

It’s not a matter of thinking I should be higher, it’s more like it’s something easy and visible to insult them on. Anyone with gold or higher border is almost certainly a video game addict and that comes with certain stereotypical indicators of not leading a balanced life. Those people tend to be the ones to get toxic first (their whole life is video games, so if it’s not going their way they get mad) and in self-defense you can easily trigger them by poking fun at them for being a virgin or being unemployed.

lol yeah lot of dumb people thinking the more hours you put in the game the higher rank you get :rofl: they were jelly cause their bronze border sucked *ss

Even if they return it, it will be even more pointless than before because you don’t even get lootboxes for leveling anymore.

How about custom boarders? Like titles. Earn or buy them

Maybe you unlocked one by doing an events?

Can you picture Christmas boarders? Lights that blink or other holidays?

Not based off rank by achievements

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Oh my that’s a brilliant idea, why should i get it for free when i can buy the borders? 1000 USD for Plat border. Who wouldn’t wanna pay for it? :>D their parents have credit card :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope. I got tired of having toxicity thrown towards me and my friends for my border because I had it in a certain comp rank.

If people can’t control themselves, then we don’t deserve it, simple as that.