Can We All Agree We Need More Tanks and Supports?

Moar tanks needed, especially since the last two characters we got were supports.

Also: Mei does not need buffs. She’s already cancerous enough as it is.

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My point is I hope they could buff the damage-dealers or nerf the tanks/healers so that 2/2/2 is no longer the standard, but more like 1.5/1.5/3, which is more proportional to the hero roster.

Sure. Make Mei a Tank character.

Nope, and I don’t know why you created 2 threads about the same topic.

Yes, all those DPS players asking for a new DPS hero should really reconsider that, the argument ‘we need more high skill DPS heroes in the game’ doesn’t make any sense, we already have like 10 aim intensive DPS heroes and the people that ask for a new one, from what I could tell don’t play more than 3 aim intensive heroes. Why not just learn the other 6 if you’re so desperate for a new experience?
I know this is rather odd but I think we need another support, a main support because the tank pool is currently fine with 3 main tanks and 3 off tanks, but the support pool is just too dominated by off healers. Of the 6 supports the two best supports are both off healers, followed by Mercy then Moira. Mercy herself isn’t very powerful actually being overall the 3rd best support statistically yet she gets the most complaints of getting nerfed while Zen, statistically the best support gets second to none complaints.

What I dislike the most about this is DPS players coming in to depict which support deserves to get nerfed the most, and of course they go straight to the support that is least like a DPS, Mercy.

What I dislike the most about this is a QP support main generalizing DPS mains.


…cough post writer is a dps main in comp cough…

I didn’t generalise anyone, I didn’t say every DPS main is doing this but MOST people who complain about Mercy are DPS mains, this is a proven fact. So what if I’m a DPS main? Am I not allowed to call other people out because we both play DPS? Not only this but I’m a QP Support main because in QP literately no one picks support, I just play it when we don’t have a single support so we don’t effectively throw the game. I don’t mind flexing, I know most people do which is why they are one tricks.

Please no more supports. It’s bad enough we have Moira and Bridgette. We don’t need to make a 6 support team a viable option.



You don’t have to say “every” when your wording above implies it.

And to be completely fair, not generalizing at all, but I’ve seen WAY more support mains, mostly Mercy players, complaining about DPS then I’ve seen DPS players complaining about Mercy.

Also, most people one tricking is a myth. Most people flex to some degree. Only a small percentage actually one trick.

And yah, I’m not saying you can’t, I’m just saying you shouldn’t. It kinda invalidates arguments when you speak out about a supposed problem when apart of said supposed problem.

What I meant by 1 trick wasn’t a one character one trick, I meant a person who doesn’t play other roles, more DPS players can’t play other roles than Support players who can’t play other roles, or Tank players who can’t play other roles.

This is why they shouldnt have combined damage and defense lol

While I understand that, I also don’t think you should play things you don’t want to.

Some people just don’t have fun tanking or healing.

Kinda like me. I play some healer. Most played being Lucio and I’m enjoying Brig mostly. Kinda like Moira. But I don’t like that having to watch everyone else and try to save them with some healing juice. I want to save them by blowing up the people that are attacking them. And if they die, well, collateral damage.

Offense and Defense *

I’d love another main tank that’s super involved like Orisa, but having another main tank that holds a shield would be great to!

not supports.

But we need a shieldless tank. A main tank that isn’t a hold shield one. Something more active.

I don’t enjoy playing Mercy either, I still do it in QP so my team has a fighting chance. This game is about teamwork and even though most people playing this game don’t want to play as a team, I should be a team player to have the right to tell other people to be a team player. I shouldn’t be not playing stuff just because I don’t like it but telling the other people on my team to play stuff I don’t like playing so we have a decent team comp. It has to go both ways.

Only 2 of the tanks have shields they can hold/place

I meant shields. Not the type of shield doomfist has.

like barrier? idk but maybe