Can we admit how terrible Baptiste is?

hes in the same boat as a hero like winston where he only suits one meta really

A projectile speed increase to his grenades or an explosion radius increase would suit Bap

His healing is fine, his damage is fine, his ult is fine, Bap is just hard to play because his healing is by far the easiest to mess up.


I think they can try decreasing immortality’s field cool down a bit.
Sure it’s a strong ability but 25 seconds is way too much, now i’m not saying too much but at least down to 20 or 15…

Another option is playing around with Baptiste’s primary fire damage, I think they can try making him a bit more bursty with slower shots considering the targets he’s good against (Junkrat,Reaper,Mei,Mccree,Sigma)


If you have something to say to me, feel free to.

This is a forum for responses after all; the idea is to give each other our opinions. I believe I gave you a pretty good comment to respond to, anyway.

Go on, show us how easy Baptiste is to play. We are waiting.

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Ok. But when I do, will you complain if its on Quick play?

If not quick play, will you complain if its not on a specific rank in comp?

I’m willing to play for hours to get the data I need, data that would prove my point as I wrote it, but if you’re just going to move the goalpost I won’t bother.

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You haven’t proven anything. Any of the points in any shape or form. Projectiles are harder to use and land than hitscan. It is a fact. Anas hitscan shots are the size of Moiras beam. Healing with Ana is easier than Baptiste.


Not yet, I haven’t. I just posted that comment to say "If you’re just going to say ‘you did it on quick play, so it doesn’t count’ or “you did it in bronze, silver, gold, not in GM so it doesn’t count” I’m not going to bother.

Beyond that, my point was that it was incredibly easy to dump healing onto your entire team thanks to the way Baptiste was created with a primary AOE healing move, a secondary AOE healing move, and an ability to stop death.

You could easily heal more people at a single time with Baptiste, you could easily heal people faster as baptiste, and it was a concern that Baptiste and Moira made heros like Mercy and Ana outclassed. Hence the nerfs.

Now, you can disagree with that, but you’d be wrong since the evidence is still easily verifiable even today.

We are waiting for you to prove us wrong. Please, by all means to do is. Since Baptiste is so easy to play, and such. We gave you all sorts of means to do so.

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Fair enough as a master soldier main I can’t argue with the fact that you probably know more than me regarding this matter.
I however would like to come with the argument of him not being horrible.

In the past 2 days ive played comp literally all day long. What do I hear in most games? For the zen to switch off zen and go Baptiste (which is ran with Mercy).

Isn’t that a bit weird ? For him to be so weak yet it seems like so many people want him to be played. I’d also like to say that half my games the past 2 days in master have been with these supports: Mercy, Bap or Zen. Most of the time Mercy being ran with either zen or bap!!

I don’t think thats a lot of healing but it somehow works. I still see so many play him on the enemy team too. Im EU btw.

Just a thought. Buffing his damage would be too much imo. His healing for sure is a lot harder to hit than other supports but due to his damage potential which is still high considering he is a sup and has hitscan. I do not think he needs any type of buffs.

People pick brig all the time to counter dive. I don’t think she is as effective as she could be. She is however not by any means what I’d consider weak. I wouldn’t be against some sort of buff. This buff however would have to be done in a way where she is not going to become overpowered due to it.

Brig should COUNTER DIVE and nothing else in my eyes. That was her original purpose after all. She should be able to counter; Genji and Winston in my opinion.

Edit; I saw ur 3445 sr now. I don’t know what he was like season 23, but I don’t think bap is BAD currently.

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Current Brig gets absolutely destroyed by Dive. She doesn’t have 250 health anymore, and Inspire took a lot of hits. Not to mention the armor pack nerfs a while ago.

Disagreed upon. I think Soldier is far worse when it comes to getting dived than brig is. Brig still has CC abilities which is why she still counters it somewhat. She can BOOP people away from her and her teammates. Peeling for example her ana, just like Lucio is able to do. She can also stun them with her shield making them unable to move for a sec or so.

  • Mccree and Brig kind of fulfill the same role in regards to countering dive.

Now onto other matters I’d say that nerfing Widow is currently what we should be focused on. There is no counterplay to widow other than having a decent widow yourself. Considering she is still able to oneshoot u accross the map. Which no other hero is able to do (exception of Hanzo, yet this is a projectile making the matchup a bit unfair).

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To start off, the drop from 4k to 3445 is exactly what fueled my heart to write this post :frowning:
Of course you’re going to see some Baps, but that does not mean he is playable. As people say, numbers don’t lie. You ever wanna see how a hero is performing? look at the stats.

The original post explains exactly me and my friends’ experience with playing Bap this season. Yes, people still pick Bap, me being one of them, but he is way too far from being an acceptable character at this point.


Ok if you think bap is so bad. What would you do to him that doesnt make him overpowered?

The state bap was in I believe it was season 19 to 20 was BROKEN. His damage was the same as soldier (if soldier didnt have helix) and his immortality had 250 health on a 20 second cooldown. Something that one could put behind corners. Therefor making it impossible for people to break it without flanking or being: example pharah.

He is able to do so many things as a support. I think if we were to buff him this would have to be done in a very careful manner.

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I’m not in this to prove you wrong, remember. I’m in this because I want to make a collage of people whining about skill. :upside_down_face:

Secondly since you didn’t answer this question:

I’m going to be smart and not waste time to compile evidence to entertain you. I’ll be honest, I usually like getting analytical when it comes to games, but I get the feeling that I’m going to be putting in more work proving my point, and you’re just going to respond with “See, I knew I was right! You’re stupid!”

Hitting the reply button is easy. Playing matches in OW and tracking down old forum complaints of Baptiste is much more time consuming.

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I agree with you. If he was to be buffed, his healing and damage should remain untouched because we can all agree that these are not the problems. The rest of his kit however feels way underpowered.
My suggestions were mentioned above:

  • Amp matrix - increase duration or width.
  • Immortality field - increase projectile speed or area, remove or reduce the 0.8s cast time.
  • Exo boots - reduce charge time or increase jump height.
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Didnt see it as it was not in ur orignal post i suggest you edit it to mention this. As it was a comment you stated a few posts later.

I think these are fair points you have regarding a buff. I however think that all 3 of them would be far too much. If all were given we’d see the same thing that happened to genji. Overpowered to then nerfed. Which in a sense wouldnt be too bad. Considering that genji kept some of the buffs he was given.

Giving bap 1 or 1.5 (some of what u mentioned but not to an insanely strong degree) could make him better but not broken. I think doing such would cause little harm. Genji is in an OK place rn, yet not being meta.

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I admire you for playing gm at such a high level of play. Baptiste player here too , and I was playing him all last night, trying my best to adapt to the changes. Even when I felt I was busting my butt and doing my best it was barely enough.

All the work for little reward for that hero.
It has me pretty torn up too. I hope blizzard can work toward fixing this hero on next experimental.

I dedicated a lot of time to learning that hero and getting to a top 500 with him on PS4. He is a train wreck and sadly not enough people play him to be advocates for him or say what he needs.

Here’s a post I thought had done good quality of life buffs.

There was some talk on the forums a day back about increasing projectile speed. I thought that might be a good idea.

I also think potentially switching his IF with his amp matrix (and adjusting Accordingly might be an idea I’d try.)


No you are very wrong. Baptiste is worse. Far worse. Brig is still playable but difficult. Baptiste is barely playable. All brig really needs desperately is her hp back. Baptiste needs a freakin paddle and maybe a boat.

I doubt you even play baptiste. The fact that this many people upvotes this is sick. Get your facts straight please.

And before you think I’m just a brig hater I play brig too actually more than baptiste. I can make brig work more times than not. I can’t get baptiste to work as well.

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Zarya rein was never his go to tanks. Baptiste’s favored tank is Orisa and preferable another shield.