Can Uppercuted Enemies Follow the Same Hovering Rules Doomfist Follows?

After doomfist uppercuts an enemy, if it is a place with low ceiling, the enemy just bounces down from it immediately, while doomfist hovers under the ceiling.

The point of uppercut is to set up the target for the shots, but when it bounces down it is basically a waste.

Can this be changed? enemies should hover the same way doomfist hovers when they hit the ceiling. This way the set up that uppercut makes for the shots won’t be just wasted into nothingness.


Did you say nerf DF so he no longer hovers after uppercut? Yeah we can do that - OW Dev


It’s hard to discuss a hero nobody plays, topics just fall down into abyss.

Or take impact damage from hitting the ceiling.


This actually makes sense, just like a simple version of RPunch. Also, it would make Doom even more useful in closed maps, IMO

Most of the time when I Uppercut someone in a room with a low ceiling I get sent off in some random direction at ludicrous speed whilst the enemy just hovers on the spot at the ceiling

Yeah I can’t think of how many kills I have lost due to this weird interaction. Also, and this does not relate to Uppercut, but I also hate the fact that you cannot Rocket Punch over super small railings, cause you get stuck; railings that both Genji and Tracer can go through with their dashes.

I hope that Blizzard learned from this whole Doomfist fiasco and we won’t see any more weird moves based heroes.

No, these weird move-based heroes are great! I genuinely enjoy playing Doomfist, and landing killstreaks with all his low-cd skills makes you feel like a legit god.

The only issue with DF is that his mechanics don’t work properly sometimes.

If they could fix his mechanics and pave the way for MORE move-based heroes, Overwatch could become something very interesting indeed.

This would eliminate the need to aim and shoot, and I’m not even asking for it to do the damage for me. Not that i would be against it, but what i ask is QOL, not even a buff.