Can the LFG system be fixed?

My opinion of the reason the LFG system has failed (a low percentage of players are using it) is because of the system Blizz uses to balance matches by pitting pre mades against similar pre mades. So the LFG groups would get pit against competitive OW teams and be at a severe disadvantage due to essentially PUGGING against a team the plays and practices together regularly.

I don’t know how hard this would be to do. I’m not a programmer, but can you track accounts that group together regularly and give them something of a “team MMR” or in some other way not pit them against the LFG PUGs?

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I say give us this QoL, then it would be easier for everyone to play in 6 stacks.

problem is at launch 2 types of players flocked to lfg

those looking for carry (i.e. wanted to be hard carried in games)

those looking to troll (tons and tons of games were lost due to no lock restriction and other things with the system)

and basically the community ruined it with both

and now it’s just a way to advertise throwing groups

report em all btw


I know first hand that teams prefer not to play competitive as the environment is too haphazard for the coaches to get anything meaningful. If someone is smurfing or cheating, it’s literally a waste of time for everyone involved. Teams typically organize scrims with other teams over Discord. In a custom game if something is out of place it can be quickly sorted and everyone can move on.

Whether or not the group of people playing against you know each other for longer or not, it’s a great opportunity for you to learn from your mistakes. Replays from games from an LFG group or pre-made is far more valuable than solo queue.

Watch your replays and find at least 1 mistake you made per game and fix it and I promise you that you’ll win more easily.

yes teams scrim, but this just isn’t true at all. Teams play comp all the time. A lot of people want to be on the team purly for the ability to climb comp rank with team mates.