Can the devs stop ignoring Symmetra?

People have posted so much about symmetra’s state in the game. Do they even read? they always say they read feedback bla bla bla do they really read feedback? Symmetra is in a such a bad spot rn. Her primary is so bad. she has no survability, she cant 1vs1 85% of the heroes in the game. Please just buff her is it that hard? Her pickrate is lower than before (shows that the rework was a failure) and torb is so much better than her.


they are ignoring everybody.

They just reworked her. They should focus on other heroes and wait to really figure out what they need to do for Symmetra (if anything)

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so it takes 5 months to decide how symmetra is in game?


Her ultimate is really strong in comparison to pre rework at least.

imo would have been better to throw her some utility(add some sort of healing or cc denial) and leave her as support. The way she is right now she can’t even be considered as DPS. (i hate Sym’s character with all my strenght but i know she is useless right now.)

Symmetra sucks. No survability VERY easy to kill. Her primary takes to long to charge up. Many tp bugs turrets also very easy to kill. SYMMETRA ISNT A THREAT LIKE SHE USED TO BE. Her ultimate should also last longer, 15 secs is to little. 20 or 30 to be game changing.


They’re probably treating her in the same aspect as Mercy.

She’s just been reworked so they’re letting ‘dust settle’ before they change her and they probably see Roadhog, reaper and bastion as bigger problems that they need to deal with.

75 shields is way stronger than her current ultimate.


I think the worst part is all the old Sym mains that have stopped playing her really still don’t like her so Blizzard has alienated the player base for her.

Nothing has really changed with her reputation, literally everyone dislikes her and nobody asks for a Symmetra on their team as the only thing she remotely “counters” is barrier tanks.

She needs bug fixes, QoL changes and inconsistencies fixed in order to function the way they’ve wanted her to work and even then I’m not so sure she’ll ever be that great without some small buffs to every aspect of her kit.

I still think one area that needs reworking the most is her Sentry Turrets. Having only 3 of them on a long 10 second cooldown is really not good because they’re so easily destroyed.

Why can’t we have 6 Sentry Turrets again but have them be weaker and with a lower cooldown? Defense has 15 less seconds to set up now which has been a stealth nerf to Sym on defense as she can’t even set up her sentries without having them be on cooldown when the match starts which is complete bs.


They did the same thing with sym 2.0 just wait another year or two and we will have sym4.0 then we can complain all over again when she’s is still very weak

I’m sure Mercy has over 10 times the posts Symm has but they won’t budge.

So yourself a favor and learn to play her or other heroes

Mmmm no, Symm ult is the one really good thing she has .

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it Might be good but it’s also the most uninspired ult in the game. They took a unique character and gave her a generic kit

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Eish, the boxes the devs need to tick just to please everyone are just too many. I’ll keep my day job

Her Ultimates have always been situational but I did enjoy having to judge the situation to see if Teleporter or Shield gen were the way to go.

Had a real fun game on Anubis as Bastion where I chewed threw 3 of her ultimates like they were made of tissue paper. Was pretty funny

I honestly chose to main Symmetra because of 3.0.
If they choose to revert anything, they can revert her Primary.

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Devs ignoring Symmetra? Symmetra is the only hero with 2 reworks so far.

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I don’t think a revert is smart I do think addin the old kit with a new character would be a better idea

Yeah and both of those reworks had very few if any buffs along with the character