Can someone tell how does 35 shields

Makes Doomfist OP?


People don’t like being pushed around before death. It’s the Brigitte argument just without the “X is a healer!” part.

I hate DF’s mechanics but I don’t see how he’s OP


it doesn’t, people just like complaining because play him a bit more :man_shrugging:


Because apparently 0.3 sized grenades made Junkrat OP :weary:

Peeps just gotta complain


because it makes him good

and being used to a year of lolfist, some may confuse that with too good

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It doesn’t make him OP because he isn’t OP. Only time Doomfist was OP was at his release when RP had the size of a payload.

He is irritating with his playstyle, but not OP.


It wasn’t OP people didn’t know how to play around it yes the hitbox was big but more likely people didn’t know what to do against Doomfist

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Because it made him viable. Now people see him more, so they’re more likely to be annoyed by him. We’ve seen this before with other heroes.

It doesn’t make him OP it just makes him more able to survive and get out of a fight alive. People never complained when he would just trade his life or feed and die, but Doomfist still has to play perfectly or he’s heavily punished for any mistakes.

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With RP that big, they couldn’t do much to be fair, rather than just accept death. Maybe some heroes like Ana could sleep dart his charge up, or snipers could headshot him for insta burst, but not much other than that really.

Then you can’t compare his gameplay today and earlier playing him like at launch would be death sentence even with the biggest hitbox

The most annoying part of DF isn’t the shields so much as that uppercut + shotgun combo. If you find a DF who pulls that off reliably, it’s pretty much a nigth/day difference in terms of how effective they are because that thing is brutal and there’s almost nothing you can do against it.

I wasn’t comparing anything…

Taken from a discussion about Doomfist on Reddit.

"Any hero without repositioning \ invulnerability abilities just insta die to him.

Even Mccree struggles to kill him if he hit his Seismic slam(He has 285 HP if he hit it) (you have to stun Headshot + Headshot (140 +140 + 30 = 310) which is very hard) Stun + Headshot + Bodyshot = 30 + 140 + 70 = 240 (isn’t enough to kill a Doomfist)"

Also, for the most part, people don’t think he’s OP. If Doomfist dives in and uses his cooldowns to kill one person, he’s probably going to die anyway and the fight will be even. The issue is that heroes without movement abilities or massive health pools don’t have a chance to counterplay a Doomfist using jump spots from across the map to instakill them in the back line from pressing e and shift. Even a hero like McCree, who is in theory a Doomfist counter, can’t stop him reliably unless the enemy DF is just bad.


But theres not a lot of difference between

When it comes to widow or hanzo either. Since they can one shot you when your rein tried to FS.

To be fair it’s 35 shields per hit. Seismic slam and Uppercut can hit multiple enemies. It’s not uncommon for Doomfist to get into a fight with full health and have over 350hp before anyone knows what’s going on. If he has someone singled out in that time and they’re team isn’t helping, Doomfist will combo them down. Animation cancelling into your primary fire between abilities and actually landing the shots is the hardest part about him
I’m not saying he’s OP. He’s my most played Offense hero and it took me over 40 hours to be comfortable picking him in comp. He’s designed to counter heroes that have no escapes or defensives.

Barriers, walls, and corners all provide counterplay. Barriers, walls, and corners don’t help against a Doomfist because of how easily he can get past them or reposition around them.

well the 0.3 size nerf did make it less likely that 2 random grenades from literally the other side of the wall would hit you perfectly and 1 shot a 200 hp hero.

But i was comparing in my previous sentence

You can stun Doomfist, use a mobility ability to escape it, or use a invincibility ability to escape it. You can even damage Doomfist before he can get to you.

So, you can do something against it.

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