Can "Revert Mercy" stop and instead

If you would bring the other healers up to Mercy’s level then they need abilities on par with Resurrect.

Well, it’s a question I am happy to answer from my own perspective.

Mercy used to be very engaged in the front-lines because the instant rez (whether it was single-rez or mass-rez) meant that if the target you were healing died you had the option to rez rather than be the focus for enemy fire. Swooping in and out of the front-lines was simply a lot more fun than swooping back and forth between the backline team-members (the way Mercy plays now).

When they removed instant rez they also moved Mercy to the backlines because the frontlines no longer had that little bit of safety net. The backlines also offer the opportunity to get your rez off more often than the frontlines now with the cast-timer and all…

Additionally the abilities were dumbed down in terms of prioritization and rapid decision making. You could use mass-rez or instant single-target rez in many ways, such as risking it and swooping in for a rez and select a priority target to rez, maybe do a tempor rez or get value from the mass-rez by getting 2 or 3 members of your team up at the same time. You could keep track of enemy ultimates to make sure your team didn’t instantly die once you got them back up etc.

With statue-mode (rez with cast-timer) your choice is dumbed down to “If you can rez safely without someone on your team dying while you don’t heal them, then rez regardless of who it is you are rezzing”…

Valkyrie is also really unengaging to use. You hold spacebar and press a mouse-button, then watch events unfold on the ground. I call it spectator-mode, because it’s really uneventful. Since you build your ultimate quite quickly there isn’t really much decision making involved in when to use it either. If your team is alive and pushing, then use Valkyrie. If your team is alive and defending against a push, then use Valkyrie. If you need to escape and don’t have anyone to guardian angel to, then use Valkyrie… The decision making has been really dumbed down for Mercy with the rework and the nerfs. I’m not saying mass-rez was very engaging, but at least it was over in an instant rather than bringing you 15 seconds of utter boredom.

So, Mercy is less engaging, requires less decision making or prioritization, and her skill-ceiling is a lot lower than it once was. No longer any need to keep track of enemy ultimates, not a lot of thought process in prioritizing which of your team-members to bring back to have the most effect… it’s just… trivial and boring.

Edit: I should add that I’m actually in favor of replacing rez entirely with something that would help her engage a bit more, something that’d increase her skill-ceiling and give her back some of that decision making. So, I don’t need a revert, I just need her to be fun and balanced.

I would disagree do to the mobility caused by the GA change allows you to go from the front and back constantly and you should always need to keep track of enemy ultimates no matter what character.

Resurrection is a dumbing down of responsibility from both the healer and the DPS/Tanks, having a single ability or ultimate get rid of a mistake or multiple mistakes doesn’t make anyone any better, they just rely on the eraser more.

My positioning requirements are far more now then they were post rework. The chain heal is lazy at best but at least I gain a speed boost and the ability to move vertically without an ally. It’s far more involving to keep people alive then let them die for an instant heal.


The Dev team was far bigger and more experienced while making the release version of the game. Team 4 (I think?) had a lot of help back then.

Move rez to her ult. Make it either A) AoE with a line of sight restriction and a shorter cast time than current rez, B) multiple charges of single target rez , each with a short cast time, or C) a single charge of single target rez that charges relatively quickly.

Put some midfight ability on E, preferably one that also allows you to be more flexible with rez. A common suggestion is to make it just the flight portion of valkyrie. Whatever it is, it should NOT include burst healing or multi-target healing, as a lack of those are one of Mercy’s defining weaknesses.

Leave everything else about her kit alone, including 60 HPS.

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Well… Movement on her E is a no go as well. That would be an movement overkill.
I always recomand my idea (It’s not just my idea. It was worked out by many players from many ranks):
(It’s at 3.3)

People have been doing that but any Mercy thread that isn’t bashing Mercy players gets locked and thrown into the void.


I was never one of those hide’n’rez people since I never cared about SR. Hide’n’rez was always a suboptimal way of playing Mercy, but it gave you a lot of SR which is why people used it. Keeping people alive in the first place has always been more efficient, and has always been the way I played Mercy…

I agree that the bunny-hop ability (which was originally a bug, not a design feature) improved Mercy’s enjoyability a lot, and it certainly does help her not to land on the spot where a team-member is taking fire (just because you GA’d to that team-member to heal them).

If I was to make a wish I would have them replace Valkyrie entirely. Instead of free flight I’d happily get a high-jump ability and perhaps reduce the cooldown of GA down to 1 second during her ultimate. And instead of chain-heal maybe just get something completely different that is different. Valkyrie is just more of the same.

Instead of rez I would happily take a burst heal or something similar. Something that would help me keep my target alive rather than undoing their death. It would increase the skill-ceiling since the ability need to be timed, you need to prioritize target and read the game to determine when someone might need that burst heal. You could also engage more in the front-lines since you’d have a better chance of keeping your target alive… wouldn’t have to be much, maybe a burst heal of an additional 30 HP/S or so (up to 80 or 90).

People did that and put a lot of effort into it. People got ignored super hard by the devs and all feedback if trolling or not ended in the megavoid. So why write a big thread with good ideas and constructive feedback if it gets thrown into the same place with people who just post “#revertMercy” and rant about stupid stuff?
I would like another rework that fits the character and game but Blizzard doesnt seem to listen to anyone. Not even the people with good ideas and feedback.

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If it doesn’t contribute to rez in any way, then rez would likely need either some damage reduction/self healing or a very short/no cast time.

It has a aoe burst heal (in my idea) and some other stuff which makes it less cheesy and more fair/useful (like a cast, movement during it and the fact that you can use it without dead teammates (increases the potential to waste it and makes it more skillful)).

I was thinking about it a lot. Adding and changing stuff on new informations

After getting 12 nerfs to her “rework”, its safe to say this rework is a complete failure.

Mercy can and never will be balanced so long as her resurrection is tied to a cooldown ability.


I’m sorry if you don’t like the idea of people wanting their balanced and fun hero back rather than have them receive another rework that will just, once again, lead to her being overpowered yet extremely boring and only lead to, what, 12 nerfs in a row?


You are everything that is wrong in these forums

It was the most suboptimal but generally if you didn’t do it you got harrassed by your teammates because it was still effective and easier then the team actually countering incoming ultimates.

While I enjoy the added mobility, too much of it makes her pretty hard to kill in the right hands. You can already live for quite a long time even against skilled players.

Different abilities is rather hard for healers because there is only so many flavors of healing and it’s hard not to step on any toes. I think you could be able to pull off a “Resurrection Lite” where the dead character does not suffer a spawn timer and instantly spawns but that is not really ult worthy.

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I think this is less a developer problem and more of a Mercy community problem.

Just like with Genji-Mains, the vocal minority of a large community has irreparably ruined the communities perception of them and a result, everyone who actually enjoys the hero (Mercy in this case) suffers because of it.

I’m not going to deny that there were people who actually put in a lot of thought and effort into doing something different.


The #RevertMercy crowd is so much more vocal and tends to spam and flood the forums more than the other crowd which caused Mercy-Mains as a whole to be looked down upon unfairly.

While the developers should take more time reading through threads so that they actually don’t dump them into the Megathread, it’s sort of unfeasible to actually do such a thing when the number of people who actually moderate the forum is MASSIVELY outnumbered by the number of people who keep spamming the same thread.

I want Mercy-Mains to enjoy their character again as much as the next guy, but I also want to have a balanced Support roster where I can play Ana without having people having heart attacks because I didn’t pick Mercy.

That said, I can’t help but notice that this push for things that have more or less been vehemently denied towards the Mercy community does more harm than good (I could say the same thing about some people within the Ana community…but we’re nowhere near as big to really have a solid impact).

All in all, everybody involved with this Mercy fiasco has a part in Mercy’s current state.


Remove res from the 30 second cooldown. Each use of Valkyrie grants one charge of res (that can be used out of Valk).

Blizzard won’t listen, ever. They tried some stuff with new Mercy, like adding her cast time, but keeping insta rez during Valk, but that was to OP. Suggesting reworks isn’t a good idea either because, Blizzard. Doesnt. Listen. It’s not even just Mercy mains that hate these changes, it’s literally almost everyone. So many people just want her reverted and balanced from there, like only have Rez line of site, smaller radius, non-invulnerability. Blizzard just doesn’t want to accept the fact that reworking Mercy was a mistake.


Indeed, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt about them is that they really don’t listen to much community feedback at all. They might see complaints about a hero that needs nerfing, but they will usually nerf a completely different and unexpected aspect of their kit instead of what the community here and perhaps on Reddit might feel is best to adjust.

EXACTLY!!! I beyond agree that she needs some kind of nerf, but to Rez, not her healing output! Valk is even more useless now because of it. What they need to do is look at the bigger problem, that is Rez. Jeff K. stated that Mercy mains are essentially using Rez as a second ultimate ability… but thats because it IS an ultimate ability. Something so powerful as Rez should not be on a cooldown. At this point, since they are not going to revert her, they need to get rid of Rez and give her something like an armor pack like Briggite, but it does a lot more healing than her armor pack.