Can people stop complaining for at least a day

All I see on twitter, all I hear in games and from streamers is how bad the game is right now. I’m not going to argue but it’s currently in a transition phase and yes, it might be a little biased towards symmetra and shields but god damn, please just give the complaining a break. It’s every day, every meta, maybe even all the time.

Not everyone is going to be happy, heroes are buffed and nerfed all the time and immediately after you get all the one-tricks shouting down the devs throats and it’s just boring.

I see people saying delete brig, doom, mei, moira, sombra, orisa etc… daily. Have you played doom? God damn he’s fun to play. Yes, if you’re a support (moreso a Zen) then you might have a rough time but it’s a team game. You need others around you to help prevent that. Maybe choose baptiste or moira or scream down the mic. Everything is preventable.

Devs have to appeal to the top players, streamers AND all the other ranks. Not to mention the recent updates:

New Hero
Role Queue (Both Comp and QP)

Bringing the game to another console and providing updates to all the other consoles doesn’t quicken the process either. Just please be patient, the devs understand that symmetra is melting faces, they’ll have the statistics and they’ll see the average damage per game across ranks. I presume they’ve seen the complete backlash against the shield meta too, it’s not worth mentioning it daily.

I care about this game a lot and all I see on these forums is how can we get classic overwatch back. We will never get it back but appreciate the effort the team are actually putting into making the game what it once was or at least trying to (because almost always everyone’s unhappy).

Thanks :slight_smile:


But it’s dead; that’s why I use my life on the forums complaining only! It makes a difference!

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I think people are just passionate about the game they love showing a downward trend. Look at classic wow and how popular it is.
Me personally I just go to a new game and lurk the forums waiting for change. Till then that’s one more person you guys don’t have to play with and queues are longer.

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People complain. That’s what they do. It often seems like the majority of people are complaining but trust me, they’re not. Most people who are happy with the game, and the recent changes will NOT go to the forums to praise how good it is - people who don’t like it will come here to complain. That’s why they appear more vocal.

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No chance, if you don’t complain then nothing changes for the better - being satisfied is for suckers.

For the record I hear you but ya not gonna get people to stop by then hypocritically complaining about the complaining.

They want the complaint box to stop filling up they gotta be more responsive and faster.

FPS game being unbalanced for over 3 years people have legitimate reasons to complain.

Now if this were a free to play game then I could understand and say people need to chill. But some of the mechanics and heroes are so buggy you think they outsourced the work to Bethesda.

Most important though if you enjoy playing don’t worry about what anyone else says. You do you

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It honestly does not matter what the devs do. No matter what it is people will complain about it.

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Classic wow - Am I a joke to you?

In that case, would you support Blizzard hiring random people off the street to do the job and save money?

Because the game is in the worst state it’s ever been in!
Blizzard cleaned up one mess, only to make a bigger mess somewhere else.

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Raising tickets will just waste Blizzards time.

The forums are here for people to voice feedback and opinions on things without wasting their support staffs time with tickets.

People should talk about what they feel is right and wrong with the game that is literally what the forums are for.

If people think the game is getting worse they should speak up and explain why as that kind of feedback can prevent the game from getting worse.

People complaining about the state of the game is normal if they don’t like the state of the game.

People should continue to talk about what they consider good or bad, If you don’t want to read a particular thread about a topic that has been posted many times just don’t click on it.

Not all people who don’t like something come on forums to complain though. Actually the majority just silently leaves and never comes back. Therefore the complainers do play an important role in the whole picture.

And that’s the difficulty. Devs who take every single complaint to heart don’t know what they want and work themselves in a depression, but devs that ignore any and all complaints are just setting themselves up for failure. It’s important to find the right balance.

I’ll stop complaining when they:

  • Buff Pharah, Junkrat, Torbjörn, Soldier, Sombra, Mercy, Brigitte and Bastion
  • Nerf Sigma (considerably) and Ana (not so considerably)
  • Anchor MMR properly in the new QP so the low Gold vs. high GM matches stop which are ruining it currently
  • Show groups in QP again
  • Address smurfing and punish it in one new way

I’ll complain when there are things to complain about. That’s all the reason we need to complain

I wouldn’t complain if they hadn’t nerfed Sombra twice now thanks to OWL

I have very valid reason to complain, especially when the nerfs were unwarranted.

Why stop complaining, exactly?

complaining , really ? people aren’t loving the state of ow right now ? i was sure Mercer wanted us all to know
