Can Mercy get buffed?

But if we restore 60 HP/sec outside of Valkyrie then the team won’t have a reason or excuse to say Valkyrie has some potential impact (although not really much to be honest).

Possible sarcasm aside, giving Mercy 60 HP/sec outside of Valkyrie won’t solve her inherent design flaws with this rework. Sure, it’ll help with healing a bit, but her potential impact will still remain low.

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Actually thinking devs read the forums.

55hps would be worth trying out tbh. Idk about 60hps

Lucio is a much more fun go-to hero, you can play aggressive and speed boost amplifies your team :ok_hand:

Then stop making these types of threads. :weary:

Obviously if it’s not solved it’s because Blizz thinks Mercy doesn’t need changes. You guys literally whine like a baby who can’t get what they want because their parent said no.

Like, it’s actually unbelievable how Blizz gave you guys answers but still refuse to accept it and continue to make poisonous Mercy threads.


No, we are not whining because we didn’t get what we want and that’s awfully rude of you to say, so keep it to yourself.
I’m speaking the truth, because, as it stands, Mercy is the weakest main healer in the game. She needs a buff. I know Mercy isn’t getting reworked again and that’s not what I’m asking for, so stop assuming that all Mercy’s just want a reworked hero.
Even the support player from the Paris Eternal, Kruise, said Mercy needs a buff.
So get over yourself and stop thinking “oh, it’s a Mercy, let me instantly assume they are gonna cry for a rework.”
They could rework Mercy, but since they will most likely not, I just want her to be on par with Moira and Ana.

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Mercy has a big issue, but she is currently very good, she provides a large ult advantage over the course of a game that results in her very high winrate.

Her issue is the lack of a mid fight, res isn’t used every fight so you don’t feel impactful every fight. Like as Ana if the enemy genji is using blade your midfight is sleeping him, if you’re a Mercy you die and or watch your team mates die if you manage to get away.

Because that’s what the devs want her to be ?

“Reducing her healing output will close this gap a little, but she will still maintain her status as the go-to pick for raw healing power.” - Geoff Goodman, July 18 2018

She could never outheal 75 dps as her healing was 60 before. Can you maybe present a valid point to debate on?

Can you help me think of a better post title, can’t seem to come up with anything.

🕊 [Mercy] Heal Boost, Damage Pierce

Mercy is balanced, and as such, needs no buffs.


Although the above is stated as a fact, I dont see it as a fact, but rather as an opinion

I disagree with this opinion

Personally, I find Mercy to be one of the strongest of the healers, particularly at the lower tiers of play where aim is generally poor

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She is not suppoused to be the go-to-healer
She was that when she had invulnerability mass rezz,and broken Valk.
Now she’s just a viable healer.Viable as much as any other healer.

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Oh god, no, please no.
They already rez annoying tracers and BAN you by using a toxic insult on you after throwing the entire game, please DO NOT buff her, oh god no.
oh god no!!!
we’re all gonna be doomed if she ever gets buffed.

Man this is going out of hand…:ok_hand: For example.I personally wish they would buff her pistol.That would personally make her more fun for me.
But get this.
I don’t expect them to really do it.Cause it’s my subjective desire and I have to work with what I’ve got.

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Please remove Mercy. they gave her a ban hammer.

Why not both?

Anyway if I have to choose just one I’d… well… actually I don’t know.

She needs both… y’know? She needs more skill expression and impact in her base kit (which the second gives) and needs less oh hey yeah you can turn your brain off for 15s when she pushes Q (which the first gives).

Probably go with the second cause it kinda does both.

17 characters required

Can you see where you are messing up here? You are just a little bit off of saying she is supposed to be a must pick.

Huh, is that why her winrate in GM is 53.2%? Seems like a good number to me considering Ana’s winrate is 54% and people are calling for her to be nerf’d.


I don’t think it’s so much that Mercy was OP, and she needed a nerf, it’s just before she was crazy strong with a Zen/Brig combo because it made so that Tanks were almost impossible to kill esp with Brig due to burst healing and even if some headway was made, Mercy usually had a res up to negate that.

Moving her down to 50 from 60 is an understandable choice, however now I feel it has caused deficiencies in other areas of gameplay, and so has not really fixed the core of the issue.

They buffed her ULT charge, which gives you 60 heals per second in Valk. I think offering Mercy the opportunity to earn the 60 heals upgrade as well as the additional benefit of Valk being more available creates a situation that offsets her overall net loss of healing output.