Can junkrat please get a buff

You are conflating a full stun with a root. With flashbang you can’t fight back. With trap you can. Flashbang you have to bait out, trap you can check for and destroy. The two are incomparable because of those facts so I am not going to entertain conversation about it.


The investor combo is nade mine right? Cuz double mine is dead and trap mine is cmpleatly obvious since the last nerfs.


Yes the only real one shot combo is nade/mine. IMO it is the fairest “one shot” in the game because of the reasons I outlined above


This is a debate I had with another junk main:
Is trap-die-total mayhem considered a oneshot combo vs tanks?

If it can be done reliably sure, but there are a few factors that prevent it from being 100 or even really 25 percent reliable.
The max damage itself is low, only 380 damage total, so the tank has to be weakened prior to your death or you just feed ult charge to supports. The only tank that would be close is Zarya as she only has 400 HP.

D.Va DM, Zarya Bubble, Hammond Adaptive Shield all can either remove the threat, gain power from it, or take them out of the HP range that would let it work.

Then you have to coordinate all those factors, your placement, the enemy placement, and time your death right and pray they don’t have Lucio or Ana with ult to save your target.

In theory it’s a fun thing to try(lord knows I will try more now) but in practice it is just not feasible to trade your life on the chance that the tank will die.


Wrong. Absolutely wrong.

All heroes should be roughly equal and it’s okay if some heroes are harder to learn than others. There should not be a hero caste system where certain heroes are “correct” and all others are garbage because that invalidate all of the man hours spent building the “easy heroes”.

Rewards need to be similar because that’s how you get roster and meta diversity.

And, why would anyone pick up a high skill hero in a comp mindset? Because they’re the right hero for the meta/comp/job. The game is far more complex than “iz hro ez? yes/no”, and your argument is extremely dishonest in this regard.

Why pick genji over junkrat?

  • You need to counter a widowmaker
  • You need to kill supports
  • You have an Ana
  • The map favors Genji
  • They don’t have any barrier tanks
  • You are better with Genji than you are with Junkrat
  • You prefer playing Genji and don’t like playing Junkrat

the only thing u can fight back is you oneshotting junk while he clicks on rmb

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Yeah ok. Aim with slow bouncy balls that are easily side stepped and jump all over the place. The only thing the nerf did was encourage spamming because aiming doesn’t work with Junk Rat.


on a rooted target yes

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Would this fix him?

You clearly didn’t play Junkrat when he took self damage. There’s no ‘get good at your aresenal’ when the enemy tanks would walk into your face. If you attempted to defend yourself you got killed in the process. So what do you expect him to do? Stand there and take it to the face like a good little junkrat? Puh-lease.

Self damage is never coming back.

Stop commenting when you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. At least do some research before acting like you know it all.


use your mine to getaway it doesnt have self harm does it?

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I Can understand Junkrat mains being upset with the nerf. But I do not know what they can do to solve the situation… he was overpowered before. Now… he still has the ability to delete about anyone and gets plenty of kills with his riptire. I dunno.

Maybe we will see some adjustments in the future, who knows.

Like I said, if you didn’t play him then you don’t have any idea how frustrating it was and how much of a burden he was to your OWN teammates. Do you want him to be Z tier again? 'cause that’s where self-damage is gonna put him.


The only thing the trap disables is movement and abilities that cause movement(Shadow Step, Blink, Charge to name a few). It does not disable primary fire, shields, or damaging abilities.

As I said before, trap is a weak ability. It is wholly dependent on the enemy team not paying attention to it to get ANY value. A Junkrat worth their salt knows this.


he has two mines and u want 0.3 back
give him self damage or take off a mine

Good thing you’re not the one in charge of making changes, huh?

sit down.


The projectile size was the absolute dumbest nerf that year in the whole balance team.
If you dive a zen pint blank the Andes go over zen, around zen UNDER zen. Then he charges his secondary which he would normally never have time to charge :frowning:



junkrat has a 2% pickrate and is barely maintaining a positive winrate

his primary fire nerf makes him less skilled, makes hitting direct shots extremely unreliable outside of melee range and makes him spam more

mine falloff makes the mines a gamble

nerf junkrats tire for a 3rd time but in return make his projectiles easier to hit and his mines less of a gamble

explain to me, a top500/gm junkrat main, why i miss 80% of my aimed shots now

i hate the projectile nerf but self harm would make him even worse

close range: suicidal
mid range: okayish
long range: good luck lol


My thoughts exactly, though experience proves that the devs pay more attention to many similar threads than one big thread :slight_smile: