Can I get one game without

Can I get just ONE quick play game without a sweaty Genji main devoting his entire existence to killing me, the healer? Or an entire team devoting their existence to protecting their precious bastion? Ugh the strategies people will use these days to win are just… Sadly desperate.


Genji’s main target are supports. Don’t be surprised that a character designed to take out the backline does his job.

Bastion is a less than viable character to be used and is easily counterable. This is no one but your fault for not wanting to counter the bunker composition.



Honestly, i’m tired of playing Brig Moira now… and they’ll probably get nerfed again some time soon.


ppl are trying to win against me = what a bore
Still cant win against bastion bc i have no idea how, that’s why they win probbably… sry not interested. I interested to create the topic at forum to complain an share my weakness w/o even realising that.


Forum tip: if you call all Genji players “sweaty Genji mains”, people will automatically agree with your thread and like and support your posts.

Because it’s not like QP is a place for people to warm up and learn new mechanics or anything. If anyone attempts to try to win against me in QP, that means they’re sweaty and making the game unfun. You know, trying to do the objective of the match is making the game unfun.


And this is the part where everyone reads my post and starts replying sarcastically and smartass-like. Welcome to the forums of Overwatch.


Erm, Diego?? Sweaty… :face_with_monocle:

No you will likely continue to face teams at times that use better tactics than your team, it’s part of the game. Learn to counter the tactics and you will be fine.

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Just pick Moira or Brig.

If you’re struggling with genji get his ip address and ddos him so he leaves the game.

I’m kidding…don’t actually do that

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Step one
Custom game. Make one of those

Step two
Remove genji

Isn’t it?


Sounds like a dream come true


Seeing a genji on the other team, then realizing he’s dedicated his entire life to eradicating me, mercy/Ana/zen. Heaving a huge sigh and switching to Moira, yet again.

Lately I’ve been playing bap and just jumping from high ground to low ground over and over while the inevitable genji scrambles up and down the wall to kill me. He of course succeeds, but it takes a little bit.


Well there’s a reason Genji mains have a bad reputation

Most are in fact sweaty weebs that try really hard to show off for their team. I’ve had games of squeaky voiced teenagers complain about anything they could just to shake the blame off themselves. This was before the buffs now they feel even more entitled because they’re given training wheels to do better.


I’ve never heard someone say it better. Congratulations and thank you.

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Is what I thought after reading your OP, let people play what they want in QP, maybe it’s more fun for them to try to win.


Get out of my post weiner-head


Perfectly balanced as all things should be

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Have you considered that said Genji main plays his favorite hero for fun? How does that qualify as sweaty?


Brig’s dead. There’s nothing left to nerf. Moira will never get her good heals back, she’ll more likely get a full DPS rework. Which I’d be fine with. Blizzard wants nothing but damage mainly for the 1% of the playerbase & the OWL? Fine.

When everyone becomes DPS, that will at least be fun for the rest of us too, OW would be fun for everyone again.