Can I be banned for this nick?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t call it good evidence. The altercation happened, the guy is fired. YouTube isn’t the only source of this information. If you or anyone else view a video, go “hey, this seems a little over the top” and then proceed to blindly discredit or blindly believe it, you’re just doing yourself a disservice.

Again, I’m not stupid. I know many things on the internet are fake. This clearly isn’t, according to the best and most current information I can find from multiple sources. But, for you to try and say that this isn’t indicative of current affairs in the world tells me you don’t try to stay informed of anything outside your bubble, whatever that bubble entails. This kind of thing happens much more frequently than you clearly believe, but not so frequently that you get to see people blowing up like this simply by walking out of your front door.

You have no horse in this race? It’s not a race bud. Don’t forget, you were the one who advised us all to be more conscious of other people’s lack of understanding when we speak, something I’ve established is an impossible feat when one considers that everyone is different. That surely sounds like something only said by someone with a particular agenda. :slight_smile:

One angry (and now-fired) employee at a vape shop does not a movement make. I stand by my original assertion that taking the time to show others a little courtesy won’t kill you - that there are far fewer “snowflakes” than the backlash would have you believe - and I am fairly confident that I’m not the one living in a bubble. Of course, by definition, if at least one of us is living in a bubble then we’re both going to consider the other person’s world-view warped and strange. There’s no way for either of us to gauge which is the confused one, so I think it better to leave it to the judgement of history. :slight_smile:

That’s a bold move, considering the history of most of the world is a bloody, hateful mess.

Plus, that one, angry and now-fired employee isn’t starting a movement. He isn’t part of a conspiracy. He just exists and is an @$$hole.

… just checking, are you a native English speaker? I think something got lost in translation.

I am. What do you think got lost?

I’ve never claimed a movement exists, and of the two of us I’m not the one who brought up snowflakes or their “culture.” They exist, of that I’m sure, but beyond that I’ve got no preconceptions otherwise.

You believe there are less snowflakes than what may be implied, and in fact that snowflake culture is a myth; I don’t rightly care how many there are, just that they exist outside of the internet and are a problem.

You want people to take steps towards not offending people beyond normal, moderate consideration by moderating our speech because we don’t know how people will take what we say; I think that’s a fools errand and that moderate consideration is already the norm, nothing more is required.

You believe I’m in a bubble; I believe you’re in a bubble.

Have I missed anything?

When I talk about the “judgement of history”, this is an idiom that signifies “the historians will be the ones to decide who is right”.

When I say “one angry ex-employee does not a movement make” I mean that he’s not a common case - in fact, he’s so rarified that the internet blew up because here, finally, was a thing that everybody had been waiting to see. His existence is not evidence of snowflake culture, any more than my existence is proof that all humans everywhere are white, male, straight and British.

Again, you’re taking an idiom extremely literally. I’m not literally saying there’s a literal, physical competitive race - I’m talking about the competing ideologies among Americans (liberalism, conservatism, Christian fundamentalism, environmentalism etc. etc.) - I don’t have a side in that debate. I’m just talking about challenging misinformation when I see it.

So in fact you entirely agree with me that common courtesy is a good thing - but you object to what I said because you feel like it should be taken for granted?

1). Never heard that idiom before, sorry for misunderstanding.

2). I disagree that he is rarefied because I see evidence of this sort of behavior at least once every other week nowadays. This is simply an extreme case, which is why it’s become so viral. People are tilted about MAGA hats and Trump t-shirts all the time. Again, I’m not the one who brought up a culture surrounding snowflakes, you are. I’m not claiming he or his behavior is indicative of a movement, or culture, you’re the one mistakenly thinking I am, I think? I’m not really sure where you’re going with this one now.

3). I didn’t take it literally, hence the sarcastic reply that this isn’t a race. Why would anyone literally think any part of this, our dialogue or anything pertaining to it would in fact be a race? I don’t know how this isn’t obvious to someone so clearly critical of speech.

4). No. I do agree with common courtesy being a good thing. I’m also saying that it is indeed common and that no further action is necessary when speaking. I object to every other part of what you said, i.e always consider what other people will understand a word to mean before using it, because of the exact reason you provided for doing so in the first place, i.e we’re not party to your internal thought processes, your inside jokes with your friends, or even what cultural background you hail from. That goes both ways, I’m afraid. If you don’t know me, then I don’t know you either. I shouldn’t be required to moderate my speech any further than what common courtesy dictates simply because there are some of us who are more sensitive than others.

depends…do you do speeches in voice chat? :grin:

Well, either way thank you for remaining civil, but I think continuing this conversation is going to be fruitless. We don’t agree on what constitutes good information, and we can barely apparently agree on a common interpretation of written English - without that common ground to work from, there’s no conversation to be had.

So thank you again for remaining civil, and let me urge you simply to expand your horizons a little beyond your current media diet. The idioms I used in this conversation are not particularly rare, and you might encounter them more often if you take the time to read more widely.

Then I feel obliged to do exactly the same???

I don’t really get where you’re coming from when you say we don’t agree on what constitutes good information. Where do you get your news from if not from news outlets? Do you physically need to be in the presence of the event to believe in it? I saw the video on YouTube originally, but I didn’t just stop there in my search for truth on the issue. Do you think I did? I thought I made it pretty clear I didn’t.

I watch CBS, Fox, Vox, MSNBC, various other television news and YouTube news channels, etc… What do you watch? I feel like the things I’m talking about are common knowledge, not commonly disputed.

I also don’t get where you think we can’t agree on a common interpretation of written English :joy:. We’ve been conversing for a couple hours now. Just because you got critical of what I said due to either one of us not understanding a bit of sarcasm or an idiom, doesn’t mean we don’t agree on what written English is. I’m clearly speaking it, you’re clearly speaking it, some stuff is bound to be lost on either of us during the course of an entire dialogue when you consider we’re from two different countries. Don’t be so critical over irrelevant details I guess?

You’re going on long tirades though based off fragments of what I’ve said, that you’ve clearly misinterpreted. Maybe you did that deliberately, but I prefer to give you the benefit of the doubt.

When I say “this one overblown incident is not good evidence of a wider problem”, you tell me you’ve seen tons of videos about it from different sources - which entirely fails to address my problem (that it’s tons of videos made about one incident). When I say “let’s leave this to the judgement of history”, you tell me that that’s a bad idea, because human history is so violent. You and I clearly don’t speak the same English.

I’ve tried to explain my point of view repeatedly, but your ears are closed - or jammed up because you superimpose what you think I’m saying instead of listening to what I actually said. Common forum problem, but tiresome to say the least.

Yikes, hunTy, then you need to change it right away. Chan-nicknames are essentially “I was 12 when I made this nickname and it’s my Internet name of shame.”

Getchu something that’s not XD RANDUMB!!! - f’real tho.

Again, I’ve already said I didn’t know you were using an idiom. Sorry, not sorry anymore. Get over it.

Your tirades are just as long, what are you on about man? You have a post with 4 quotes of me about 10 posts back and you talk about my tirades?

I told you I’ve seen evidence of other examples of the same behavior at different levels or extremism, not just that I’ve seen multiple videos of that one guy.

You criticize my posts by doing exactly the thing you’re criticizing. Nitpicking fragments. Your entire post isn’t important, the points you’re evidently trying to make are.

I literally laid out your entire point of view in a prior post, to which you summarily ignored. How am I not getting it? Please enlighten me.

And you got it wrong. Please stop replying. This conversation has veered way off topic and I don’t trust you to understand what I have to say.

EDIT: I have been trying to kill this conversation for the last two hours. I’m done with being polite about it. Enough already.

Typical forum reply. Asks to stop replying, tells me I’m wrong with no correction or indication of incorrectness, blame a loss of topic and then uses ad hominem to avoid any actual dialogue.

I’ll remind you that you said you were done discussing this like an hour and a half ago, yet you still continued to reply.

i’d be more offended if you got banned for that name

but yeah, just to be safe you should probably change it

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