Can confirm losers que is real

I thought it was fake but it’s real. After hearing about it from my friends, I started to pay attention to how my matches went

My matches today:
Match 1: Good team
Match 2; guy admits to throwing in chat and throws
Match 3: bad team
Match 4: unranked to GM Winston with a 100% win rate 15-0
Match 5: thrower
Match 6: Mcree with 89% win rate
Match 7: Mercy with 19% winrate

Aka forced 50/50


Sure, some stray the game forces lose and win streaks, some say the game forces a 50% winrate, some say it does nothing ubtik you cone close to your peak and then lets you lose… what now?

If a 8 match experience of 1 player is enough to proof this I can “disprove” it. I personally switched in 2020 between 2.8 and 3.8 multiple times, how the natches where going was mainly baised on my playtime and much more importantly: my Mental . This wasnt even on just 1 account the case, the thing happened on both of my accounts so it isnt possible that the win and losestreaks were forced

How are unranked to GM with 100% winrate series possible with a forced 50% winrate?

They would also need a patent for something like this and they dont have it (Activision has 1, but it only works for CoD and not for OW)


Oh wow, you must be the next person, selected by the Overwatch gods to have a couple bad matches in a row, just to stir up more conspiracies.


Nah no patent required for this, didn’t you know Papa Jefe randomly selects players to have the throwers on their team, the smurfs on the enemy team, the laggy players, and the drunks too?


I mean… He pretty much shat on his whole post with that comment! Good eye.


This is multiple matches which I have collected from my friends. If you’re going to be toxic at least read the post

There is no such thing as losers Q.

What actually is there are the kind of players who do not understand the basics of the game or the heroes they are playing or the heroes their teammates and the enemy are playing.

There are smurfs and there are cheaters, but there are many more kind of players who do not realize that a Zen orb does not heal you full health instantly and how maybe you should wait 5 secs behind cover until you are healed enough to go back in, plus your cooldowns might recharge as well.

There are too many players that do not realize how you cannot be healed when anti and screaming to be healed while anti is not going to make the anti effect wear off any faster.

There are too many players that have no idea what their temmates are playing and have never heard of the option “press Tab” so they decide to go in as Winston without anyone following them (not to mention those Winston players never actually call out their engagements), so they end up using their jump to actually get in, instead of getting out then yell “where the f* is my team”. They failed to realize that the rest of the team is either dead, coming back from spawn or are playing heroes that are way too slow for a Tank like Winston and cannot engage with him on time.

There are too many players that are completely incapable of turning around, left, right, up and down and have no idea that someone in their backline just died, so the other person standing next to them died in the process and that said player decided to use their ult in order to push while in the end 3 of the people on their team are dead and they wasted their ult, but that is also ofc MMR’s fault.

So yeah, losers Q most definitely.


They have 2 patents and 1 has reference images of ow (probably more, but that i know are freely available, there are 2)

You’ve listed 7 individual player problems, some of which are irrelevant (throwers, good team/bad team) as this is down to pure chance and out of everyones control…

You have also listed 7 individual player problems out of a possible 84 players… I’m sure if I went through my last 7 games I could pick out 7 potential issues too… Possibly even more.

Would you have complained if he was on your team?

Would you have complained if she was on the other team?

Theres so many variables in a team based 6v6 game… All the system does is it’s best to match your skill rating against others. A while back me and my friends won something like 10 games in a row, these things happen. I’ve lost about the same in a row before as well. When you play 1000’s of games, these things are going to happen.

50/50 chance of winning (or as close as possible to it), yes. Forced win/loss rate, no…

I’m more than happy to be proven wrong, I just find it difficult to believe a games company would implement a system to frustrate their players and ultimately, probably drive them away. That’s not how you make money.


Maybe you should be paying attention to own gameplay to improve and stop listening crazy delusional friends.

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I have never in my forum life here seen a single topic about “we won because I had a Smurf on my team” and people complaining about that win or I have won because “the 19% win rate Mercy was on the enemy team”.

Those people will never even mention something like that. Mostly because either due to too low of gamesense to even notice it (when the things they complain about happen on the enemy team) or being too hyped since they won so they never paid any attention to it.

The System is fine as long as the throwers are on the enemy team. smurfs and cheaters on yours, or the bad one tricks again on the enemy team. Everything that everyone here complains about is all good as long as it is either not in their personal games or it is on the enemy team.

The soon as it gets on their team the bombs start to go off and the whining begins.

I swear to God at some point, I am honestly starting to think that there is some outer, external, invisible force moving their mouse and KB for them, making them feed their brains out, making them not being able to turn around and then yell and complain and whine for why they cannot be healed when anti, hence making it a “forced loss”.

I mean, I completely understand the frustration of low elos and you being stomped by people better than you, but those people never, ever since the beginning of this game ever stopped to think to change anything, anything at all about their own playstyle.

I also understand that change does not come overnight, but to actually think that high ranked, good players have been given some sort of “Blizzard pass” that got them into T500 the moment they bought the game, where the rest of us just somehow failed to require it, is actually, completely beyond me.

Let me just run head first into a Cree with his Flash up, die then blame the System or ask for certain buffs or nerfs to heroes I am personally incapable of dealing with.


You been watching my games? Ha.

But yes I agree. It’s quite a coincidence that only low ranked players create posts about this… Someone has to be at the top, someone has to be at the bottom. Just like all things. Does it make me angry I have never been above gold? Sure does. But it’s my lack of practice that’s the cause.

I think people underestimate the natural talent or hours it takes to get to the higher ranks. This game is not easy…


Haha, no, that is actually from my own gameplays :smiley: Happened to me more than I would like to admit.

I personally do not care who is at the top or the bottom. Sure, I do like to get me some Emongg stream, watch how people at those elos roll, but I always envied them in only one thing.

Not their superior mechanics or gamesense (sure ofc there were times I wish I had those), but mostly their quality of games.

Like the jokes they make when they are losing, or when someone accidentally drops off the map and says “yup I am lagging”, or stuff like that. I also get that T500 circle is a tight one where the majority people know each other and have been playing so long that losses do not actually matter to them anymore. It is basically like another brick in the wall.

It is like being able to sing or play the piano. Talent is 1%, hard work and dedication is the rest of the 99%. I agree that there are naturally more better players than the others. Of course that happens, but believing you have to be Jjonak to get out of Bronze is most definitely a you problem.

The only topics that high ranked players post are mostly about the heroes that are oppressive at that rank. I rarely see any of them complaining how they have gold this or that and cannot get to T500.

Most of them are aware of why they are not T500 and are aware of the mistakes that keep them from getting there.

I have seen more Diamond and Master players on this forum admitting to their own shortcomings than the Plat and below playerbase.

At this point people are talking about taking legal actions for why they are where they are. Lol. They would rather take legal action than actually correcting their mistakes. Enough said.


The mcree was on my team. I feel like it just gives me really good teammates and we win win but then gives me throwers where no matter how hard I carry we lose. It gives me hope then takes it away

Couldn’t agree more.

I only ever feel like I play the ACTUAL game of OW when I am playing with my friends who are all higher than me. It’s a shame really that lower ranks (me included when solo queuing) have never really ‘played’ the game as it is intended with the team aspect, executing plays and coordination.

I think if everyone grouped up they would have much more fun and success.


I think you’re hyper focusing on single things tbh. Maybe he was smurfing, but that doesn’t affect the integrity of your whole playing experience over many games, it’s annoying, but it doesn’t mean the system is against you.


It is actually the biggest “problem” I have with this game. Me never actually experiencing the true OW gameplay the way it is supposed to be played.

I cannot count the amount of times I was watching high end play and ended up getting pumped and went on to play some OW myself trying to do the things they do only to end up with people who are like “nah, I just wanna do what I want to do and later on complain about how what I wanted to do was not working”, lol.

If 5% of people who are stuck in low ranks and believe in “elo hell” spent like 2% of their games actually playing the game instead of focusing on how much “our DPS is not doing anything” they actually would climb.


http: //patft1

(There are 2 spaces at tge start of the link, remove them)

Here it is, if you find any evidence in there that it provides loses Q in Overwatch pls quote me the exact sentence

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today i played ranked deathmatch. lost 7 of 10 games. my team was always filled with silvers and bronzes*. enemy team with plats* and higher. thats the overwatch experience for solo players.

  • rankings from regular ladder

The game is old so it’s really only hard core fans left so I’m not surprised the lower population leads to wonkiness in the experience outside of evening times. In an ideal world it would be a normal distribution curve of players and skill levels but right now due to lower population it would be skewed to higher skill level players being the majority of population remaining. So you might actually be getting better compared to your past self but compared to other people you might be treading water if that makes sense.

I mean how many people are playing the latest…uh the latest Battle royale or military shooter than Overwatch for example? I don’t normally play online shooters so I have no idea what people want to play now instead of Overwatch. Overwatch isn’t a main game for me. I’ve been playing single player games like Xcom: Chimera Squad and Shadows Awakening (Thanks Humble bundle Choice).