Can Blizzard not be lazy?

“We have no way of refunding SR or telling if you left or were disconnected”. This is the only game that hasnt implemented a safe guard from disconnects and lost rank. If Nintendo can figure it out, so can you


I don’t think they have worked it out, maybe some nice ‘shortcuts’ but the problem isn’t detecting who clicks the leave button vs an issue with an ISP.

Instead the problem people finding out the leave button punishes them and instead yanking the network cable/rebooting the modem intentionally so they can go ‘oh it was my internet’ and taking no SR penalty.


How do you determine if your ISP has a problem or if you just disconnected your internet ? Enlighten me


Best the can do is add option for someone to fill, so if someone searches for a new game it will ask if they want to fill a currenty game, they would not lose sr/lower mmr for losing but if they win they would gain sr


There is literally no way to determine it. No game has ever done it in history. There is no way to tell if a player manually pulled a wire out of their wall or if their ISP dropped their connection.


No, they haven’t. No one can tell with any certainty if they shut the router off or a wire went down etc. They can at best guess. And it would be pointless as exploited if pulling wires avoided penalties.

no cuz they dont care… ive been saying it for 5 seasons now… not devs dont care

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saying nonsense doesn’t make your point more valid dude…

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prove me wrong then the devs dont want to change this game to the point it would be good

perhaps the prez of Activision has cut their budget

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maybe ? Like … you could at least answer that question


Playing with bad internet is a choice and if I have to suffer for your choice, so do you.

Now DC from server while never losing connection is another matter, and that happens. You can usually log right back in, but still, you lose precious seconds.

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Your wrong, Destiny has done it who is a partner to activision who blizzard is also with.

With Destiny people used to pull the cord to cheat a boss. Destiny figures out a way to determine wether or not someone pulled the cord or left. Blizzard can do it too.

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Don’t give them too much credit. Have you seen how much difficulty they have balancing their own game? After players have blatantly told them what to do to fix it

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I’ve suggested this before, some sort of fill/substitute system if someone leaves so you’re not totally handicapped would be great.

The system should also take into consideration how long you’ve had to play without being a full team when determine the amount of SR and make it so you lose a lot less because it kind of sucks losing 20-25 SR when you’ve played 5 man half the game.

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That’s not how networking works at all… Blizzard can’t determine the cause of a disconnect other than pressing the “leave game” button. To Blizzard (or literally any other company), unplugging your router or ethernet cord, shutting down your PC, or your Internet going down in any way are all the same. There’s no possible way to determine the cause. All they see is that your connection has dropped for some reason that wasn’t you hitting “leave game.”

If you’re disconnecting from the game then get better internet

Dude if that’s true how did destiny fix it so they know if Croata was being glitched by people pulling their cord? I feel like you have no idea what your talking about. They made it so they can tell if someone pulls the Ethernet cord.

Pulling out your Ethernet cord wasn’t the only way to trigger the glitch. It can be triggered by (as I said before) shutting down your PC, losing your connection because of your ISP, or any other Internet mishap outside of your control. It’s not detecting if someone specifically pulls out their Ethernet. On the server’s end, the only thing it sees is that the client stops sending data packets. Either a player hits the “leave game” (and they can obviously tell if you do that) or the player disconnects due to any number of undeterminable circumstances that are grouped together due to lack of information.

So no, Bungie did not figure out a way to detect how someone disconnects (other than “leave game” naturally).

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So you are telling me that destiny tracks your network traffic between your ISP and you ?

I work in the network section and i can for sure tell you that you are the typical kind of USER who calls out people who actually know stuff just because “You heard something”

Maybe inform yourself so you can have a bigger picture huh ?