Can a dev clarify QPC Achieves?

Awesome, QPC players can get their achievements now! Horray!!

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I’ve noticed there’s two forum personas of Jeff: one that types out thoughtful, deep, grammatically correct posts and this guy. Either Jeff is trolling or there’s two different people that post under Jeff. I’m not sure if either one is actually Jeff.

They are called achievements, copy paste the correct spelling from here.

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Thank-you very much, in that case. A lot of people will appreciate this, including me -especially since I’ve been achievement hunting for a while now. I was even able to earn Soldier’s pixel there yesterday after months of trying/waiting in QP.
Overall, the fast queues will definitely help with things now. Thanks again! :+1:

Thank you. But can you please lower Baptiste and Doomfist requirements?

Baptiste to 2000 and Doomfist to 4 hits at once?

Lets be real now, those two are too hard to do naturally with the changes they got and 2-2-2.

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please .never post here again .

what does “mh” stand for. i cant believe someone wants a response when we have to do work to figure out what they are talking about.

I’d guess mystery heroes

I wished it was monster hunter. :sweat_smile:

Yes please Baptiste achievement is the only thing I am messing for my achievements for Overwatch and with Doomfist it’s best you get a zarya and Sombra to help you out

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Baptiste is my last one too and it is impossible to get it. But 2k is more possible that 2500. There are times where I get over 1k and 800-900+ but die afterwards or the match ends. You cannot things like 1300 + another 1200 in two uses in these matches because shields, time banks and the stats don’t carry over in the rounds.

Jeff has never used caps in his personal forum posts. Like, ever.

Out of all the achievements I’ve got (only missing both of Baptistes) Doomfist’s Cratered required me to see outside help to get.

That alone should tell you how hard it is


Yeah like pretty much if you really want to get it so bad you pretty much got to cheated out and convince the enemy team but that is very difficult to do though

Oh I missed this post. This is very nice indeed!