Calling the Next Mercy nerf

I think it does solve the core issues.

Because it lowers healing, lowers Valkyrie healing, and raises Valk Ult charge requirements.

And because Mercy mains vastly overestimate the typical amount of resurrects people actually get in real gameplay.

Making rez earnable and actually increasing mercys hitbox in valk would probably solve this.

Valkyrie mercy has the size of a plane and the actual hitbox is not even half from it…

They’ll still nerf her 3 months later.

The thing with the previous nerfs, is that nomatter how bad rez is, it’s still better than no rez.

And they didn’t ever do anything to weaken Mercy’s basic equipment.

Valkyrie is and will forever be a trash ult that won’t heal the team anymore. I don’t mind the healing nerfs, but I wish her ult was not so damn easy to shut down.

i can’t say we but personally this is why im against the nerf. because it doesn’t solve her problem.

she’s supposed to have the highest healing output in the game because her entire gameplay revolves around healing. Ana and Moira both have higher healing potential but their game times are spent half on healing and half on damage. if players played those heroes and dedicate their entire time on healing there’s a good chance for them to out heal mercy (ana maybe less, but moira can). the thing is you don’t play ana and moira to dedicate healing, you play them so you can do other stuff other than healing (e.g. playing dps).

so statistically mercy is supposed to have way higher digits on healing because her playerbase have a main single mode of gameplay : focusing on healing. on the other hand ana and moira players can play them as healers and/or as dps. and everyone knows that there are going to players going to play them and focus on dps rather than healing. that’s fine, but it’s one reason why mercy has such high healing compared to them, the sheer difference in playstyle.

mercy does need a nerf but they’re going at it the wrong way. it’s rez that should be nerfed/reworked.

many mercy players have said and have continued to say that putting rez on a simple cd mechanic is never going to be balanced. the ability is too strong to put on a cd and give everyone no matter of skill level a free rez every 30 seconds. mercy has had 60hps since prework. and during prework the go to healer combo was zen+lucio. mercy only got her must pick status after her rework which placed rez on cd. and it’s still going to be there. her healing output was never the problem.

plus with the reduced healing, she’s going to have to use rez more. im kinda lazy to type this again so let me quote myself from another thread

and as you’ve said, those nerfs aren’t enough because they aren’t the right part of her kit that needs to be changed

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Last I check, Valk is nearly invincible without an Ultimate.

Valk is easily shut down by any DPS ultimate (Deadeye, Tac Visor) or any kind of burst damage. They should balance more power into her ult and less into her base healing. A dead mercy can’t heal.

same. i said this at the release of the rework, i wanted rez to be a mini ult. meaning everything mercy does charges both valk ult and her mini ult rez. tho i do recall people making a valid point of that making her healing somewhat more important than the healing of other healers?

at this point i’d have to say they should just remove rez as an ability and rework valkyrie and tie rez to it.

Meanwhile Moira Ult can get shutdown by any stun, and Ana is permanently easy to kill.

Just going to drop this here don’t mind me.

Mercy has had 10 nerfs. Jesus. What can they possibly nerf next? It won’t matter, as long as Mercy has Rez on a static cooldown. A critical pick, that taking down was key to victory? Too bad, they’re back now, and Mercy working with a second healer can keep that critical pick sustained.

It’s such an annoying situation.


We’re talking about Mercy, not Moira or Ana. Secondly, there are plenty of ultimates that combo well and there are only a few that prevent damage and all of them are extremely lackluster, with the exception of Transcendence and most recently, Sound Barrier. The health of this game would be drastically improved if these ultimates were improved, don’t you think?

They aren’t. That’s why he said calling the next nerf satirically.

Seems like any “nerf” to rez Mercy mains purpose would make it safer, and get used more than 6 times per game, on average.


Mercy 5.0: Mercy is now just a regular doctor you visit in the spawn room

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laughs in Widow/McCree/Hanzo/soldier

We need a skin for Mercy with just her classic skin and a big white t-shirt over it and on the shirt it says “Nerf me harder daddy!”. Like really we need that by now.

The way her nerfs at this point has affected her pick-rates that seems to be the only way to have the desired effect. :joy:

But don’t worry Blizzard, you’ve managed to successfully detox me from her. Over 150 hours on her and most of the times I loath to touch her and will only do so for the win. So good job on that!